Whoa. I have not blogged in a while!
OK. So TKE is gonna rock the house this year. I didn't realize just how awesome their pledge class is. Come on now. They have my three boys (Carsten, Chris, and Richard), Dave from Willian's floor, Chuck, John Blow (blow-tie boy) and Steve (from the second floor), Chun-shek (!!!), and Brent! Dude, Brent rocks because he remembers me! Last year, Crimson Key people called accepted students to ask them if they had any questions about WPI. Most kids weren't home or were like "Uhh no I have no questions" and all that jazz. But BRENT! He was different! I had purposely wanted to call all the Pennsylvania kids because I think PA needs more representation -- esp western PA. Brent was from Hershey and he had soo many questions. I must have been on the phone with him FOREVER! We talked about many things and PA and WPI and it was just a good half hour conversation. Mind you this was in April or so. And in September, he happened to know Nicole and Molly because of Alden Voices/Glee Club and they were talking about how I was from Erie, PA and he said "Wait, I talked to someone from Erie, PA from WPI" and dude it was me! And he remembered! Isn't that awesome!? Yeah Brent is kewl. And so are the other 8 TKE pledges. Heck I bet the other 12 pledges are awesome too (except Cash because he took Catherine's pin... he is going down for that, I promise that!) I am definitely becoming more and more a fan of TKE as the year grows on. :-)
I know Crow got around 25 people or so. LCA is about 20 some. SAE around 15. TKE was 21. Crow had a not so good nite. One of the pledges got alcohol poisoning or something. *sigh* That really sucks for them. It's just not a good start. I heard Sig Ep had strippers (probably prostitutes more like it). I'm sure other houses had stripers/hookers too. Gross.
Hehehehe. As we speak, my girls are doing some secret covert operations. ;-) Watch out boys!
So 2 days until break. I am super psyched. Oh man, it's gonna be so great in Long Island. Macy's Day Parade. Thanksgiving Dinner. Black Friday. Harry Potter. Just hanging out and having a good carefree time. I have to say though that William has me really scared about hanging out with any of his friends. They sound like they are a real fun bunch. Oh well, I know I can make it a great time. William's mom and sister Franny keep asking if I need anything from the grocery store. They are so cute. William is his mom, but with a penis. It's funny. If you ever meet William's mom, you will know what I am talking about.
Crush Party was soo much fun. William was dancing so funnily and we were all mimicking and it was just a good time full of laughter and hot Alpha Gams. Then our song came on and we felt ourselves and rocked the house. We then began "We're Alpha Gamma Delta. We're always number one...." and stomped and in Riley we just boomed. William said it was an impressive display of AGD power. Yay! I felt really good about AGD this weekend minus two moments. It was a really good time. And then the AGD Thanksgiving dinner was mondo good. Mmm pumpkin pie. Yummy. I love turkey except it makes me sleepy! :-)
Me and Katie worked on "stuff" (scret shh) this weekend and I royally burned my finger with the hot glue gun. Good times. Yeah me and Katie are spazzes. Woo!
The more I get to know Miss Amanda Gray, the more she rocks. I love her. I'm glad she is my sister-daughter!
I missed Heaven and Hell this weekend. Aw damn (not really, I heard it wasn't that great). They closed their doors at 10:45 and I heard there were way too much girls there anyways. No need for me to be there for that. Plus with the exception of last year's Heaven and Hell, I have never had a good time at any of LCA's parties. Ever. Always too many girls and guys that are jerks (no not the brothers but whoever the brothers let in). I prefer houses where I know mostly everyone and feel safe. I need to get out more often. :-)
I am severly procastinating on homework right now. I have a monologue and 6 Math stats problems due tomorrow. I need some inspiration for the monologue and I'm hoping Minority Report will spark something (I'm spending quality time with Jess J :-) ) and then I am going to Kimmy's to work on Math stats. I hate math stats. That is seriously the worse class ever. I don't learn anything at all. It sucks. Oh well, as long as I pass I guess.
OK. That is all for now. :-)
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