There are a few great things about home. I get to see my brother, my other half... the person who gets almost all of me (the parts of me he doesn't get are the parts I don't get either I think). He is such a bastard at times though too. :-) I mean bastard in a good way, kinda. He is lazy and doesn't have a goal in sight. He is in college and just aimlessly going through it and not worrying about what is down the road when graduation nears. Sometimes I get really ticked at him for being so irresponsible and not caring and just expecting others to take care of him. Take for example last year. He didn't do his financial aid for college because he couldn¡¦t understand the forms and REFUSED to ask for help from his guidance counselor (a man who is paid a not so bad salary to do exactly this) and instead didn¡¦t do it, waited for me to come home and do it because he knew I would, and ended up getting a super shitty financial aid package because it was too late for a good package, causing my dad to shell out a lot of money that he didn't have at all and to be so angry that Patton was so close to not even going to college. But who stuck up for him in the end and convinced my dad that it would be wrong to rob him of his college experience? Yeah me. And yes, he is enjoying college, but he is still the same Patton from a year ago. No change, except now he goes clubbing on Wednesday nites at the Metro and goes to the occasional party at Behrend and still comes home every weekend. Yeah that's it people. I don't even notice any other change. But I guess I am jealous at the same time. How does he go about life so carelessly? Maybe I need to start living like that. Or maybe not. I must say I do need to have a drop of his carelessness and start living it up a bit better. I still love the fool anyways. It's just amazing how well we understand stuff.
It was so weird how Patton and I are so in tune at times. The example that made me smile was that when I got back and Patton was fiddling with my music. And deep down, me and Patton are very ghetto people, all about R&B and thuggin it out at times. BUT he happen to pick out all these songs that happen to be on my playlist (things that William said were too slow and depressing) and it was just weird how we just liked the same music without realizing it. Or how we laugh at the same stuff or just get stuff in the same way. I swear we should be twins the way we communicate. Except I definitely have the big sister syndrome and he has the "I'm the youngest and spoiled" syndrome. :-) Me and Molly were talking about that. How if you're a girl, unless you are the middle child, you are always screwed. Being the oldest and being a girl means that your parents do it all wrong with you. And if you're the youngest and a girl, then they can't let go and make it ten times worse for you. BUT if you're the middle and a girl, they don¡¦t care. Parents suck! :-P
Speaking of parents, I have something to say. My dad sucks ass. A lot. I think we get along soo much better when we are more than 500 miles a part. Already he is back one day and I want to scream. He is selfish and needs to grow up. Sorry to be so bitchy but MAN my dad just has this power to evoke so much anger in me. If I were to ever go into therapy, I think a lot of it would be about him. Ok enough about the sucky man.
So there is this awesome girl and her name is Amanda Gray and man oh man. I am so glad she is my sister daughter. The other day when I was blogging, the blogger deleted what I wrote and Amanda Gray made me laugh about instead of wanting to kill something. But hey, just let it be know Blog Master, I am out to get you. ;-) You rule Amanda Gray.
And my best friend Becky is the best! I didn't realize how much I missed her until I got to see her. She is so great. She is just great! She makes me smile and just knows exactly what to say or what not to say. I dunno. She is a great best friend and I don't know who or what I would be without her. I wish everyone could meet her. She has changed so much (physically) since I saw her last though. She lost her braces, got new glasses, FINALLY cut her hair!! It's crazy.
Oops. It's time to go pick up my brother who doesn't have a license or even a permit! AGH!
BTW, way to go Molly! HAHAHAHA!
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