So I am blogging as I am watching the Royal Tenenbaums. Lovely movie. Love it.
I went to my first full fledged Coffeehouse AKA Two Towers After Hours. Willy Porter was exactly the type of music I like. Got to hang out with tilde Patrick a little and Boris and laugh at the expense of silly SocCommers being scolded. It was good stuff. A few songs made me think of a few moments in life that I don't think about enough. It was a nice time. I think I had more to blog about when I was sitting there but all those thoughts leave me at the moment. The few thoughts I have I don't really want to blog about. Chalk it up to insecurities I guess.
Am I an idiot? And why do I always do the same things? Molly asked if I would really be happy and such and yeah I don't know why I do the things I do. Sometimes I want to ask people whether they think I am retarded or not. Yes this is cryptic just because I don't feel like really talking about it but just want to remind myself it's there.
I get to go to Vermont with Molly! Yay! And I get to go home soon! Yay! I am so psyched!
The Snow Day made me realize how much I depend on meetings and such to fill up my time. On Monday me and William were in despair because we didn't know what to do! There was nothing. Just laying there and napping and trying to think of things to do. Soothing but it felt lacking. Just thoughts running through your head all day at a more rampant pace than usual.
That is all.
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