I have to say that my sister-daughter Amanda Gray is a smart cookie. She just started a blog and she laid down the rules right away. Quote from her first blog entry:
So anywho, I figured, everyone else is blogging, why shouldn't I? WARNING: This is one of those intro entries, that noone wants to read, so feel free to skip it if you like. WARNING # 2: At some point in my blogging, I might talk about people, in good light and bad, don't read this if you don't want to know what I think. On a happy note, I think Vonda Bui is an amazing sister-mother. I am very happy to say that I am a new sister of AGD, and she has a lot to do with this happiness. Yay for Vonda. On a not so happy note, I cannot go to the very first meeting as a new sister. This is very frustrating for me. I made plans a while ago, assuming elections would be on a thursday night, not a wednesday...I will try to have a bunch of fun tonight anyway : \ Later days...
Is she not the best ever? And smart too. I live by rule #2 except for one case. But I am almost at the point where I don't care about what people think. Censoring sucks and I hate feeling like I have to "hide things" or sugarcoat. Jon Abad says write whatever and obviously Amanda Gray thinks the same. I should take pointers from them. :-)
Oh and I still need eating partners. Volunteers anyone?
AGD elections. Soon enough I will be a lame duck and then a chick with no office! Woo hoo! One load off my shoulders! (unless I am elected to one which I don't think I will be since I didn't put down a lot of interests)
I really want to see a movie. I am feeling either The Pianist, About Schmidt, The Hours, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, or Chicago (again). I am in the mood for The Pianist. I think I have one taker for this movie and that's all I need. And maybe About Schimdt. Who knows! I just need to get away from my life for two hours and submerge myself in the imaginary world of movies!
Had my meeting with Naomi today. :-) I'm in like sin I'm sure. I shouldn't have even put down my housing deposit. Oh well!
Kim is the best btw. I really don't want her to graduate. :-( Classes just wouldn't be the same. I love Kimmy! Ef ef ef! F is for friendship! :-)
I'm out! Meeting Kim for food and then the meeting that never ends (elections). I do blog a lot don't I?
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