Friday, February 21, 2003

So it's the last Friday of C term and I just feel like there is no life in me to make it another few days. Advanced calc is just harrowing and kicking my ass around the block and then some. Life Contingencies is not so bad and yeah well I am thankful for that. My suff is almost done and that's good. Hopefully I will get an A. Dean likes it and his play that got into NV21 was based on a scene in my play except he tweaked it and made it "Dean style". But he will admit he ripped the idea off me. :-)

Reading Amanda Gray's blog always bring a smile to my face. Seriously, my sister-daughter is the best out there. Sometimes in the earlier stages, I worried that I wasn't there enough and I almost thought she was going to depledge and I was worried but I didn't know what to do. But I guess something right since she stayed and is uber happy now. I love her to death. I hope she is always as happy as she is right now. Oh yeah, her and Bertini are official. They are "going out" and I am so happy for them. I think they are so right for each other. :-) If only I could find my right guy.

Someone needs to hang out with me. I think this weekend could be a super lonely one. Someone be my friend.

So yeah, who is the right guy for me? I dunno anymore. I wonder if the "type" I have always went after is the wrong type for me. I'm still Virginal Vonda, a gal who has never been truly kissed (anything before age 18 does not count because yeah those meant nothing... I mean I have kissed kissed people but they meant nothing... just fun) and never had a boyfriend. And sometimes that bothers me. And other times, I don't care. I am independent and I like that. But sometimes, it just gets to me... especially when everyone and their mothers has someone to call "their other half". Sometimes I don't know if I really want a boyfriend because I really want love, or maybe I just want one because everyone else has one and well I feel left out. There are very few guys out there that I ever REALLY felt anything for. I have oodles of 15 minutes crushes that leave as fast as they come. I just haven't found that person that makes me tremble. Granted I get butterflies for some people (even now) but nothing that makes my soul ache a little in that good way. I am just intrigued by people. That's the best way to say it. And I am so all about making friends. I always am looking for more friendships... testing the water and wondering, could this person be a lifer? Then again I haven't been the most successful person with friendships but that's how life goes. And I don't regret much. Shit happens and then you flush it.


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