Mmm... you would have thought I would have blogger about war by now. :-/ Well it's here and it doesn't matter what I think really in the end. I just pray for the lives of everyone who is at risk. ::sigh:: I hate war. When I was little, the Gulf War wasn't a big deal because I didn't really understand it so it didn't bother me or concern me in a sense. But now... you can't avoid it. And sometimes I think I back the war and sometimes I think I don't. So much gray matter. All I know is that in the end, we will still lose... because people had to die over this and it's just not fair and I don't see how we "win" when people die. Whatever. It's here. Just have to watch it as the days progess on.
The weather is absolutely gorgeous and I love it. I turn to the sky and smile. :-)
It's D-term and I am still without a boyfriend, or a date, or anything. :-P I was discussing this with Sonja at Crow the other night and our theory is that we are such independent chickabees and that guys are intimidated by that. Or at least like us but don't want us in "that way". I think guys need to be with a girl who "needs them" and well ya know what, I like to think that I don't "need" anyone. Me and Sonja are confident, fine with being single (not that we wouldn't mind boyfriends), and guys like us for our spunk but don't wanna be with us. And that sucks but dammit I am fun, and cute, and yeah, I'm kewl. :-P Then again, it wouldn't matter because even if a guy liked me, ten bucks I would be a picky mean bitch and not like them back like that. The endless cycle. :-) I can't help who I like and I guess the same can be said for the countless boys who don't like me. Anywaya I am just rambling now. I just would like a cute boy.
I have decided that dude, it would be really funny if I married another mathematician guy. Hahahaha. We could argue over stuff. Exciting huh? We could write loveletters with math themes... hahahaha. I wrote a rosenote to Kimmy that said "the limit of my love for kimmy = undefined... my love knows no bounds" hahahaha. Wouldn't that be so cheesily cute if some math kid (hahaha a specific "Math Kid" ;-) woooo!) wrote that? I would die and then instantly marry him! HAHA. Ok not really but I would be enormously flattered and what can I say, I'm a sucker for smart guys.
I think Spring has instilled in me crazy love fever. Well more like crazy "I like him" fever. I'm not nutso over anyone. Just getting *glitter* as Becky and I coined it. :-)
I think I am bit too cheery right now. I am going to see a movie with Jared and Molly and maybe a few other friends later on. Yay! This weekend has oodles of potential. :-) Yay for Spring.
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