Sunday, March 02, 2003

So I'm in Vermont and the ho just celebrated her 19: the continuation birthday. It was quite nice. We woke up ridiculously late (around 1ish) and watched The Mighty Ducks 2. And then I finally got around to showering and getting on real clothes and her mom ran around trying to clean in preparation for the dinner shindig we were having. Then the ho's best friends Audrey and Lisa came over with Audrey's boyfriend, Ben in tow. Also were Tom and Sharon... Sharon is the kewlest. She is me but the older even crazier version of me! I love her! She did our nails and such last time we were here and she makes me laugh. I am sure me and the ho will visit her and get all girlied up at some point. We have another 5 days to kill and I have no idea what we are going to do! :-) But it's been nice and soothing so far. I heart ho.

The ho is sleeping already because her head hurts so I decided to get online and blog a little about life and such.

The ho and I have been playing lots of Nintendo. Super Mario Brothers 3 to be exact. I seriously love that game. And Molly is quite GOOD! But she isn't playing her full potential (because of the headaches). We have been dying to play Mario together because we both heard how good each other were. We are a pretty good team. Me and the ho.

I am sure I will blog a lot about the ho because we are together 24/7 pretty much. It's good bonding time.

William is in Florida and not out in the sun. What a loser! He stays in the shade. Thank gawd I tan like a piece of toast because I would hate to have to wear Sunblock each time I went outside. Yay for good melanin. I usually have to call him once a day to get my bicker and random talk in for the day. Getting in a little bit of both of my best buddies.

I can't wait to go home to Erie. I really hope Tom comes with me and Hanni to Erie. Tom is one of my favorite people and Hanni is my bee-otch. We would have such a fun road trip! And plus we would get to see if our lovely team would make it to Nationals or not. We need to three-peat. Go Academy!

We went hot-tubbing today after dinner. It was so hot but felt really good. And it was snowing while we were in there. It was the oddest sensation to have little bursts of cold fall on your shoulders and yet have the rest of your body be so warm. Audrey said that if the water were really warm (like REALLY warm) and we staying in too long, the water would start to cook our internal organs. Gross. And the hot-tub was at Lisa's place. Holy cow her house was a mess. Imagine my mess and turn it into a house. Yeah that's how messy it was. Add three cats and a dog to that too. Hair everywhere. But it was "well lived in" is what I like to think. It had character.

Mmm I miss Becky and Patton. Whenever Molly tells a story about her older brother Ben, I think of Patton and how retardedly alike we are. I miss him. And I miss Becky and our talks and just hanging out. Hanging out with the ho and her best friends and hearing their chitter chatter made me miss my two fave people a lot. I could talk to those two forever. ::sigh:: I will be in Erie, PA soon enough. Must enjoy Vermont. :-)

Vermont has this creepy edge to it. There aren't a lot of street lights and when it is dark, all you see is trees and mountains and yeah well it's creepy and silent. Almost like "I know what you did last summer" creepy vibe. Or "scream" I am going to come in and murder you in this house in the woods kind of deal. I probably shouldn't blog like this since I am creeping myself out since I am in the computer room downstairs by myself and everyone is asleep in their rooms upstairs. Oh well. I like to be retarded.

Ok I think I am done rambling about nothing and everything. Oh yeah. I am taking a daring step (math kid). Details to come.


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