Monday, December 02, 2002

I feel like I should blog. But I am so tired. I just spent my entire nite working on Theory of Interest homework. I only left 5 out of 16 blank which is kickass good. I can ask about 2-3 of them in class tomorrow and get help from someone (ahem James or Kimmy or Jeff) for the last few and those will be out of my hair. All I have to worry about right now is 1. Math stats (which I didn't start and there are 7 of them and I REALLY don't understand this class and I didn't do the last homework assignment) 2. the LCA dinner and how I am going to get money for it 3. AGD meeting and how am I going to be able to go to it 4. my car and whether it will be able to go home with me or not 5. misc RA stuff that is floating over my head like a thunderstorm waiting to happen. Please let this term end right now so I don't have to deal with all this. But hey this is how all terms end. Except this one is just a little bit suckier.

Thankfully Thanksgiving break was wonderful. Long Island was great (and yes I guess I was impressed). Thanks William. Even if you are an uncompromising jerk at times. :-)

More details when my head isn't spinning with annuities and sinking funds.

OK. Must sleep. Can't nobody hold me down....... except myself. Nite. (Yes, Can't Nobody Hold Me Down is the anthem of the week... it keeps me moving ;-) )


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