So tonight, I was supposed to go to a movie with Julia, but instead we just chilled at her place with Christ friggin' Dundon and her younger brother and sister and then lovely Dave Chestek joined us later. It was just chill and we just talked about our years and such. It was really nice. Haha, I was def the oldest person there since Julia, Chris, and Dave are all a year below me... but I went to gradeschool with Julia and Chris and I knew Dave through Tom and Mike so we have all kinda known each other since gradeschool some how. Anyways, holy crap, Julia's little brother Tom could be a model or something. He is only 15 and he looks like he should be on some Abercrombie poster or something. I remember when he was 7 or something... most irritating little blonde kid ever! Haha. And Becky, her younger sis, is kinda grown up too and I remember when she was little and spastic and hyper and a doll. Ouch though, because she def got an 800 on her SATs and she wants to go to NYU... that will not happen unless she increases that score by a holy hell a lot! Anyways, the night was filled with reminiscing about grade school at Blessed Sacrament... our old gym teacher Mr. Smith who is in jail for rape and we all saw that coming... and yeah... just laughs... I will have to hang out with them more this summer... I have always loved Dave and Julia... and well Chris, I could grow to like him more haha... I def found him annoying when him and Becky (my best friend, not Julia's sister) dated... he is still the same Chris Dundon too... immature and all that jazz but now has his own apartment and is manager at the bike shop and going to school at Gannon. He still doesn't do his laundry though! AGH! How do people go through life without doing laundry! It blows my mind I tell you, really does haha. On similar subject matter, I swear on whatever is holy, David will do his laundry in A term if his mom doesn't make him try it over summer!
I'm really not sleepy. This is a problem. I will go watch TV and try to make myself sleepy. I hate my sleeping pattern gets screwy.
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