Tuesday, May 18, 2004

another day in erie

I had to put another $77 into my blasted car. After the mechanic, EM (a friend of my dad's), fixed my car, we proceeded to have a Patton bashing talk. It sounds awful, but my brother kind of sucks. He is 19, not in school, no job, no ambition... and mooching off my mom. And as much as I will miss him since he is in NC now, I am glad he is at least doing something and making some money. He needs to figure out himself. We can't always be there to make life cozy. Anyways, I kind of miss him already. The house feels kind of empty. I can't imagine living life like this for too long. How does my mom do it?

I took my mom to the doctor's today. It was my first time meeting Dr. Erik. He was nice. His med student or resident physician guy, Chris, was cute. Anyways, apparently my mother's right leg is shorter than her left leg which is causing pain in her lower back. My mom is getting much much older. She is going to be 60 this summer. And I feel awful that no one is here to be with her. She is constantly aching in some way or another and no one is here to take care of her. Once I leave, she will be alone for at least two weeks. I beg and beg her to pack up and just go to New Orleans. She would be happy there. Everyone she loves is there. And I can visit there as well. I love Erie, but my mom's happiness means more. I think I am ready to leave behind the permanence of Erie. I loved being raised here and there are lifetime friendships that were forged here. But I don't need Erie anymore to be the connector of those friendships. Just move Mom, you can do it.

Troy was pretty decent. SPOILERS in this next paragraph, so refrain if need be. There were only 5 or 6 other people in the theatre and they were at least 4 rows or so from Ian and I. Hence, we could talk obnoxiously. Anyways, Brad Pitt was gorgeous and really cool as Achilles and Orlando Bloom was to die for as well (literally to die for since ya know... his love for Helen killed all of Troy... and his brother... and his dad... and if I just spoiled the movie for you, tough nuts because you should have read the Iliad and known this was coming). But Orlando Bloom played Paris and well... Paris was quite the wuss, so it was a slight turn off. Brian Cox played Agamemnonn. And I mean, he played quite the asshole. BUT... I just could not imagine him as anything but the character he played in Super Troopers. Eric Bana AKA The Incredible Hulk guy was great as Hector. I really liked him. The movie was 2 hours 45 minutes and I didn't look at my watch once. But Ian did a few times. He always does and I always yell at him. Ooooh Ian, such a good kid. So young. What makes him so great is that you forget he is a youngin'. But then you remember that he is... and that he has a world of change coming his way. I can't wait to see the person Ian turns into. He's a great kid right now... a crap ton of potential... hopefully it all turns out right for him. Anyways, I am sure I'll stop by his place and see his crazy outfit he plans on wearing tomorrow. Something about disco pants, a crazy shirt, and his dad's army jacket thingy. What a weirdo he is. :-)

I should be seeing Hanni sometime soon. It will be nice to see the biatch. I said I would be designated driver for her drunk nights. Aren't I wonderful? :-P

I talked to my ho and she sounds not happy. I wish the knee was done hurting and her stupid boyfriend would start acting like a good boyfriend. I need to remember to send him mean emails. :-D

I think it's time I send my best friend an email and see how life is treating her in Italy. I miss her. She adds a certain amount of "magic" to the Erie life. But I guess I am doing OK. Although too many more days of this nothingness will kill me. I should give Jeff a call in the morning and see if he is doing Shrek. I want it!


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