Sunday, May 16, 2004


Being home, without Becky and soon without my brother, seems very odd. I don't think I like it. And I am not getting hours at T-town really. So I am in LIMBO. I just need to go to Worcester ASAP. But at the same time, I am going to miss Becky and Patton and Ian and Hanni and others massively. Ah, the troubles with leading two lives in two different cities.

Patton and I went putt-putting with Tigger (or was it Tony? I can't tell them apart), Matt, and Billy. I got in third place. Woo hoo! That was when we were supposed to be at "church." It was a good time. But then I discovered that my car was leaking. Gas. Expensive gas. $2.05 per gallon gas! Yowsers. Going to Girard tomorrow to get it fixed. Let's hope it is fast.

I am looking forward to time with William though. My new apartment. Seeing where this Rob thing goes. Getting down and crazy with my favorite pair of breasts AKA Carla. Making random trips to see Molly in VT. Visiting Tommy Tom Tom Muller! Oh man... is it June yet?

Tomorrow, Ian is graciously taking me to see Troy. Woo hoo. Brad Pitt is hot, as is Orlando Bloom. I am glad I get to hang out with Ian. He is my favorite red head! And probably favorite boy in Erie that isn't blood related to me. But shh, don't tell him that or he will think he is something special. I will most likely be hanging out with him a lot in my few weeks at home. Lucky him. :-P

Hahaha, Matt Hazel was drunk at a party and was talking to Sunshine and this is what he said (in his drunken voice):
"Do you know Vonda? She's like my BEST friend! DON'T tell her this, but I wicked miss her, ok, dont tell her."
Muhahahaha! I laughed for quite a while over that. I can't imagine Matt Hazel doing that. It's nice to know he missed me. What a weirdo he is. We are gonna pow wow this summer, too, since he lives under an hour away.

Get me to Worcester already!


Blogger Chris and Carla said...

I miss Vonda.
My breasts miss her to.
Come and cuddle soon.

Since I hung out with you on your 21st, will you hang with me on mine? *please*

Do you miss the Netto as much as I do?
June is almost here! yay

9:38 AM  

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