Monday, March 01, 2004

Wow... the term ends in 4 days. My last night of school work is Wednesday night. It ends with my ID 2050 presentation. How scary that it's went so fast!

Tonight was the Academy Awards. Lord of the Rings swept it all. And I got second place on guessing the winners (not that I win anything since I am VP). I lost to Greg by one (not that he can win anything since he is films chair)... which I would have won had I voted LotR for all 11 categories... oh well! But I did beat Patrick (he actually won something since he wasn't in SocComm)! :-P

Excitement. Someone actually IMed me tonight. :-D

Molly is 21 today. My ho is growing up haha. She can buy for me. :-P Or not... haha. I will be 21 in 14 days anyways. :-) Too bad it means nothing in Denmark. Not that I am a drinker anyways. Such a lightweight whenever I try anything anyways. :-P

Molly is the coolest gal around here. I am short and her perfect crutch. I would carry her if she wasn't Gandolf to my Frodo. :-) She has been a great friend to me through the past almost two years this coming April. I don't think she knows that I appreciate her a lot. :-D Well when she reads this she will know. Don't worry, I will tell her too. ;-)

I get to see Becky and Patton soon! Agh! Yay! My best friend and my brother! ::spastic dance:: Sometimes I wonder how I go so long without seeing them. I guess absense really does make the heart grow fonder. Because I really friggin' miss them.

The Darkness is really good. It makes me spastic and peppy. Good stuff.

I watched the whole third season of Sex and the City this weekend. Wow. Really good show. Wish I had discovered it sooner!

Denmark, here I come! (I promise to try and blog as much as I can while I am there. I am without internet access in the apartment... such s shame! Oh well!)


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