Saturday, January 22, 2005

doubly jinxed

Well... I jinxed myself. I said at my MQP meeting that it had been a very long time since I had been sick. Should have known better. The very next day, the congestion and dry throat came. Now fatigue. Goody.

Due to not feeling well and the impending snow, I decided to opt out of the SocComm Retreat. I hope they had a good time. Instead I spent my time sleeping/napping, trying to get the nasal airway clear with drugs, MQP, doing laundry, cleaning the bathroom, and disinfecting everything within sight. I hope last night and today was the peak of the illness and from now on, only healthiness will happen.

I can't imagine owning a house one day and having to clean that house on a regular basis. When I clean my room and the bathroom and do my gross dishes, it takes ALL day. It's exhausting. And then throw in kids... it's just overwhelming to think of! Patrick suggested a maid one day... let's hope I am successful enough to hire one. At least today I couldn't really smell any of the chemicals. A nice side effect to congestion.

MQP is a bit stressful. I need to meet with my advisor and discuss a few concerns I have. I just worry a lot "things" and yeah... jinxed in this department. ::sigh:: I just want at least a B, and an A would be super nice. Oh well, whatever happens happens. I will just do my best and weather the "pick on Vonda" MQP meetings as best as I can.

Well it's time to crawl back into bed. Rest and relaxtion are the key to feeling better. Oh and Sex and the City. :-)


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