"I've been biding my time
Been so subtly kind
I got to think so selfishly
'Cos you're the face inside of me
I've been biding my days
U see evidently it pays
I've been a friend
With unbiased views
Then secretly lust after you"
Perfectly desribes the state I'm in when it comes to love/crushes/etc. :-) That song is the one I'm listening to a lot lately. It's on the Cruel Intentions soundtrack and is called Secretly. Check it out. It's good stuff.
I MIGHT have gotten a B in psych. We will see by Thursday.
William is the biggest tool ever for lying to me about something so small as being in the Campus Center. It really did tick me off and we screamed at each other for like 2 minutes about it. I think if it weren't this week, then that wouldn't have happened. Whatever. William sucks and can be stupidly selfish at times. I still love him but really hate him too. :-)
Open Mic night was soooo funny. Umm watching Ben burn George Bush on stage? WHOA. And plus I got to interact with Jon Abad's part and the best quote of the night goes to him: "Baby Jesus cries when you lie. And I know for a fact that this time the liar was a joo." Or I think that was the quote. Whatever it was, it made me almost piss myself! Too funny! Me and Kurt could not keep straight faces AT ALL! Sammy G and the Mike'n'Ikes was awesome too. It was such a good night of entertainment. I was highly happy.
My parents were going to go on this crazy cross country trip but the car had issues so they didn't. Thank goodness too because that means Patton won't be alone for three weeks. I seriously think the house would burn down. :-)
::yawn:: And I'm out like a light.
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