Long Island with a lot of joos is always fun. Especially when you are the only non-joo. I dropped $100 shopping. Got some new pants and all that jazz. Best lines from the trip:
William's Mom: "How is your QP project going, William?"
William: "Oh you mean my sufficiency?
William's Grandpa: "He didn't even take the tax off the $1.99!"
There were also trips to Krispy Kreme where we were mesmorized by the making of the blueberry donuts. So cool.
The Psych in-class project is almost over. Thank goodness! Too bad we have the final project to do still. What a pain.
Had a major mental breakdown last week. SNAP was killing me. But a phone call to Becky calmed me as well as a nice visit from the joo. I was just majorly stressing out and nothing was going my way. Things are lovely, or at least better now.
Why do freshmen overcompensate in the drinking area? Why do they think that they have to drink themselves into oblivion so as to look "cool" when really, it scares people and just fucks them up for 24 hours (or longer). Oh whatever. People have to learn mistakes somehow.
Doing work in the office. Must get to that. :-)
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