Saturday, December 13, 2003

OK. I went out tonight to LCA. Good at first. Played some clean beruit with some of my favorite LCAs. We didn't win any of them, but when I was with Bertini, I was on fire. I sucked with Snood though, but it's OK. It was all good. But then, people started to get drunk and that's when I stopped having as much fun. Bertini is not a cool drunk. Brianne needed to be watched. And there was a super scuzzy kid there that needed to have his testicles cut off. Ugh, I left like 2 hours later than I wanted to be and yeah... just not that fun towards the end. Plus there were some SNAP issues and bleh. I should have been old and stayed in. But at least some parts were fun. I really do love some of the brothers of LCA. Some. :-P

I am exhausted and should sleep so I can get up at a decent time to work on some stuff and then math modeling with David. Dammit I am going to miss him. He isn't allowed to go. Aghhhh. :-(


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