shopping with mom
Oh yes... shopping for a washer. My mom is all crazy, haha. We went to Arthur Schultz and such and I began asking questions. And my mom just keeps talking and talking and pointing at this one or another. I just want to buy one and be done with it. Tomorrow, I will hopefully just find one, maybe at Best Buy. But I did buy her a hot hot vaccuum cleaner! It was lovely. I think she really likes it because it is a bagless one and man, it's just hot.
Now that I have so much time on my hands, I have reorganized my AIM buddylist and umm... that's about it. I tried to clean up my room, but not really. I am still lacking motivation or inspiration. Just a lot of apathy right now. I am amazed I manage to blog. Then again... what else would I be doing? :-P
I want to go somewhere really cool this summer for just a few days. Vegas. Florida. NYC. Somewhere in Canada. Something racy. Something exciting. Who is in? ::raises hand::
Saw the finale of the Inferno. Road Rules won... again. Real World is always at such a disadvantage due to the fact that Road Rules people are picked based on physical fitness, not just for the drama they could create. When I think of my time in Kobenhavn, I relate it to the Real World. I wish someone could have been there to tape it all. So much stuff happened all the time it felt like. This was my typical facial reaction.

One of the plusses of having a great correspondence with Rob during D term was that I was unintentionally somewhat keeping track of what I did in Kobenhavn. It's nice to read back through the emails. I miss Kobenhavn a lot. I miss Hotel 9 Sma Hjems, Classensgade, the 40 bus, Osterport, Norreport, Nordhavn, and Central Station, Tivoli, my Danish Dameswaking up to a ho beside me, finding Carla sleeping in the living room, dancing face to boob with Carla's chest, Carla time in general,

Katie in a towel trying to wake up Carla, Katie's shaving days, talking to Matty,

making fun of Joe, the SHOCKER!!!

all the Danish porn, our cleaners, the kickass living room table, the ghetto Netto, Irma's, Hob Nobs, the HOT HOT HOT Danish metrosexual men,

constant emails from Rob, even the blasted Danish lunches I grew tired of, serenading to KPL (Build Me Up Buttercup was a favorite), SEX AND THE CITY!!!!!!!!, the other trashy reality TV shows - Top Model 2, Paradise Hotel, and For Love or Money 2, oh my gawd... the HALLMARK channel (it is the equivalent of the Lifetime channel, once you start, you never stop), all the awesome European music - Sondre Lerche, Scissor Sisters, Pheonix, Kylie, Anastacia, Maria Mena, etc... Carla knows what I'm talking about, Stroget and all the shopping opportunities, all the hot dog stands, the hot Danish Prince and his beautiful commoner bride, Danish Royality in general, HYGGE, and last but not least... the feeling of being content. ::sigh:: When does this withdrawal go away? Never I guess... You just have to find a new habit.
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