the beginning of the end
And so Senior Week begins. And what a fun beginning it was. We went to four bars in about five hours. People were pretty hammered by the last bar, if not the bar before it. I only have 2.25 drinks since I am such a pansy. After my second drink at Irish Times, my shoulders were hurting soooooo bad. I had to stop. After about 20 min, the pain went away and I was able to function correctly again. I hung out with the AGDs, the Sever boys (who clean up very well and are quite handsome when they want to be), and the D4 boys. Here are a few photos:
The hot Danish Dames...

3 out of 4 Sever boys. Doesn't Adam Bryant look studly... or crazy. :-)

Cumfy Mumfy with Joseph Russell Vaughn and Eric...

Oh man... Jblaze was soooo wasted and so was Jocelyn. They are crazy crazy girls. But I love 'em.

Orion was my dancing partner for the night and it was fun being rhythmically challenged with him all night.

Last photo... the cool boys of D4. And I use cool very very loosely. :-)

Anyways, I also got a real quick retirement talk from Mumford, and just had good laughs with everyone. It kind of died half way through Lietrims for me, but I survived. I have to learn that I should always leave on top. I should have left with Carla. Oh well! I got a lot of good photos and I can’t wait for the rest of the Senior Week events.
Looking at my calendar, I feel like I have so many things to do, and places to be. And what I really need to do is STUDY for the actuarial exam. It’s so hard finding that time in between to get things done. But I want a job and I want to be successful. I need to buckle down. Where is Prof. Abraham when you need to be guilted into studying?
So best thing ever: David AKA “the math kid” wants to be real friends, not just college friends. It was by far, the most surprising email I have ever gotten, especially from him. Anyways, it’s very nice to know he wants to keep in touch and I have a feeling we will just likely correspond through email until some future day when we actually hang out again.
This weekend is mainly focused on one city: BOSTON! Tonight, William, Katie, and I (and Tony) went into Boston to go to the GOLD social at Boston Billards to schmooze with other WPI alumni from the past decade. It was pretty cool and low key, except one of the alums hit me in the good ankle with a pool ball! Ouch! But afterwards, with Hanni, we traveled through Boston to get some dessert. We were aiming for Finale, but instead ended up at Bennigans. The quote of the night was "I love a good 'You killed Jesus' joke." It was a lot of fun and we were just laughing. And it was so spontaneous and great. THAT IS WHAT I WANT. A little spontaneity and fun and just... something out of the ordinary.
Anyways, Saturday has us in Boston for the Senior Cruise. And Sunday has us in Boston again for dinner and Blue Man group. I only live once right? Right! This little Boston Trifecta is going to rock! :-)
The PAC Luncheon was... interesting and hilarious. I think William really ummmm made a good impression on President Berkey... or not. Inappropriate is the word. :-)
Adam Dyer IMed me today and apparently, he is graduating from RPI and has a job with LA DPW. So he is going to California! Holy crap! I wonder how he will like it. I feel like Adam is a jaded New Englander/New Yorker. But that is very cool. I haven’t seen him since sophomore year when he randomly came to WPI with Hanni and just… hung out. We weren’t super great friends in high school but going to tech schools really solidified our friendship. Except that WPI is infinitely better than RPI. ;-)
The rest of the Long Island excursion was painful. Total costs were roughly $550 by the end of it. I spent the last night there helping Franny with her venn diagram questions. I really miss algebra. And it wasn’t my ball joint. Upon further inspection, it was the left tie rod that broke completely off. I had both sides replaced since the right side looked bad too. And I also just purchased AAA so that I would be prepared for NC. I think my car is fine otherwise. I need to get an oil change, as well as a general maintenance look to make sure everything will be alright.
Best news ever: I have an interview with CCA in Boston. Keep your fingers crossed! The commute would be interesting, but worth it if I really like what I am doing.
I was reading through my emails sent during my Denmark trip. And I have to say, the best thing to come out of my Rob correspondence was that I kept a small very basic journal of things I did because I’d email him to let him know of my adventures. And I read through other emails sent with Becky, William, Patrick, Ian, and Laura and Bertini (when they were just starting to date). It made me feel very… nostalgic. And happy. Sometimes… you just get this feeling… you are content with life. And it’s because of the people you have in it.
And with that happy thought, I go to bed. Good thoughts, good vibes, a good life.
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