the power of the internet
One blog about an old yearbook entry led to interesting results... anyways...
So we almost died... Kind of. Or not really. :-) Our building alarm went off for about 20 minutes before I even heard it. And I only heard it because I was hot and woke up and THEN heard it. It started around 1am and didn't stop until after 2:30am. A call to 911 let me know that it was an alarm malfunction, but still, the moment I realized the building alarm was going off, I panicked internally. After we found out everything was OK, we crawled in to bed, and I felt sick to my stomach. Weird reaction, considering that I'm not one to get nauseous. We crawled into my bed and tried to sleep, but three grown girls in a full size bed, laying horizontally in a hot bedroom equals not a lot of crazy fun. I should have called our management company and complained profusely about how it took 1.5 hours. Jeez.
The weather in New England is out of control. It is just too warm. I didn't even wear a winter jacket today. Just my new denim jacket. And it's still going to be warm over this weekend. We will be in Jersey and then NYC. But with my luck, it's 90% chance of rain on Saturday. Seriously, every time I go to the city, it ALWAYS rains. What a crappy string of luck. But there could be worse things in life.
Small world: I am taking a class for my exam, and one of the guys I am taking it with actually knows John and lived on the same floor their freshman year. Really... what a small world.
Shopping at Wrentham and Solomon Pond this past weekend was nice and a little out of control. I am not allowed to shop for at least a few weeks. :-) Browsing always turns into buying for me. Not that I regret my items. We also played Scrabble, where I lost twice. They were such low-scoring games, too. We were also distracted by the Pats game.
Man, I am really into football right now. The Rose Bowl was AMAZING. We went out to a sports bar/restaurant by Fenway and were obnoxious and really into the game. Then we came home and fretted. We screamed the moment Vince Young ran in that last touchdowns. Screamed like little girls. Daniel was nice enough to text me with updates and then call me as everyone sang the UT fight song. It was very cool. One of the most exciting games I've seen in a while. As for the NFL, my stomach is in knots over the Colts and Steelers game. Ugh, I like them both, but my allegiance lies with Peyton. Don't break my heart, Peyton! :-)
"What's that Matt, I can't hear you -- I have a Heisman in my ear." Oh Will Ferrell, you rock my world. Too bad you were rooting for the wrong team, but still... you crack me up.
Random thought about the past: How can someone not like Zoolander? And as for the past, I feel like it keeps creeping up on me. I look back so much, I should just install a permanent rear view mirror to my head. :-P (Sex and the City line, in case you thought that was funny.)
Time for bed... Today is Friday the 13th... This day was meant for freaky occurences. I can't wait to see what it has in store for me.
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