idea of goodness
Narnia was really good. I think I walked in with lower expectations, so I came out more than pleased. As I jokingly said to everyone, "It made the story of Jesus cool again." :-P It was very colorful and did justice to the C.S. Lewis classic. It reminded me why faith is so powerful and that at some point, religion had a greater purpose. I still won't go back to religion, but I admit, I still have great faith in idea of goodness and my ability to try to live up to the standard of good.
What I'd like for Christmas:
1. I don't really expect anyone to get my any of the following, but if you do, coordinate with someone to make sure you don't do repeats. So, any of the following TV DVD sets:
a. Charmed: Seasons 1-3 (I've mentioned this one to William)
b. Sports Night: Seasons 1-2 (comes in a complete set)
c. Will & Grace: Seasons 1-4
d. Friends: Seasons 1-10
e. The West Wing: Seasons 1-5
f. Gilmore Girls: Seasons 1-5
g. That 70's Show: Seasons 1-3
h. Family Guy: Seasons 1-3
2. Any sort of Nintendo (Original NES) games
3. To make out with "so and so" :-P
4. Any Colts paraphernalia (I love Peyton :-P)
5. Anything related to tennis (but nothing related to any Russian of any sort)
6. Really cool professional and cute and thick socks (I know... lame, who ask for socks?)
7. Really pretty, classy, and unique DANGLY earrings
I just bought my new TiVo. I can't wait to get it activated. Just in time for American Idol and Scrubs. Yessssssss. But I was not happy with Best Buy. Suckass.
I dwell on the past a lot. I bounce back well though. But again... the past the past the past. I need to learn to just let go or not revisit any silly ideas. It's just so hard!
This weekend is going to rock! Classy holiday party with a night spent relaxing at the pool and sauna at the Hyatt in Downtown Crossing. I cannot wait.
I cannot wait to go home. :-)
Hey, Vonda,
This is the last week of the term at WPI - just one year ago you, too, were enjoying finals this week ... now you have way more fun stuff to do! Hope you get everything you want for Christmas, and swirled peas, too...
-sound of screeching wailing on a guitar, throw in some awesome riffs and a whammy bar-
-bass drum-
"Ain't nothing but a good time! How can I resist! It ain't nothin' but a good time, ain't lookin for nothing but a good time, but it don't get better than this!"
Classic 80's rock and roll. Live it. Love it.
Next up is Play that funky music white boy. My cue to leave.
Tennis and not a thing Russian... Have you not seen Marat Safin????
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