Tuesday, November 01, 2005

plate of life, hold the tears!

Um, something is off. I am emotional. But I am not unhappy. Just emotional. Today, I was reading an article about some boy who had an inoperable brain tumor. He got his last wish, which was to call the first play of the Notre Dame game, although he didn't survive to see it. I was reading it at work, and I teared up! I was in tears! THAT IS NOT NORMAL. I feel almost as if I am back in my wheel chair and the emotions are flying high. Except I'm free to do whatever and I feel 97.5% like myself (because really are you ever sure that you are 100% yourself?). So why am I almost on the verge of crying? I am currently listening to Alicia Keys Unplugged and there are two songs that make me very emotional when I hear them - If I Ain't Got You and her cover of Wild Horses with Adam Levine of Maroon 5. I am honestly choked up, really moved, even though I have heard these songs a million times. And I am on the T when I listen to my music so it's very hard to keep it together and not look like a fool. Why am I all out of funk? I'm a sine curve of emotions lately. :-P Where is it coming from?

It's Indian summer here in Boston and it's beautiful. It's worth it to live in Boston, just for these few days where it's positively breathtaking outside. If only it lasted a little longer. Snow is coming. It already previewed the other day. Worst part was that I didn't even have a snow brush in my car, so I have to use my cane to get the snow off my back windshield. I knew that cane would come in handy. :-P No worries, a trip to Target produced a snow brush, as well as a mini shovel. I am fully equipped to make winter my bitch.

I just realized that my pumpkin looks a lot like Jack from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Blame Becky for the implant into my brain. :-)

Ick. Alito? Thanks, GW for putting another white male on the board. The man may be qualified, but the fact that everyone knows how he bats doesn't really seem to make it a very unifying choice for the Supreme Court. Do I want a fillibuster? ::shrug:: I admit, as I continue to keep reading and learning about politics, I become more and more disenchanted with it all. Republicans, Democrats - they're all equally bad. I am starting to understand the viewpoint of apathy a little more. But I'll never be that type of person. Caring and hating it is better than being ignorant and inactive.

Maybe I'm missing something. Is it something cheesy like love? Or is it something more? But how much bigger can you get than love? I don't know. But I need to find it quick, because I can't keep crying. I'm not even sad! Is my subconcious trying to tell me something? Yeah. I just want to be loved. There I said it. This is me being a little angsty. The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. That's right, I just quoted Moulin Rouge. I hope you understand the extent of my emotional turmoil!!!!!!! AGH!!!!


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