Tuesday, February 14, 2006

all about family

Our apartment is full of love. Third grade Valentine's Day love. I think us in our PJs with our kick ass Valentines is the best way to start this day of love. Lee and Lisa are practically like sisters to me. You wouldn't believe how much time we spent on those cards... probably too much time. But we're worth it. :-) (Also, holla to Franny for those wicked awesome pajamas! Sock monkeys rule!)

And now, you can see my sister Marissa and my wonderful niece Alexis. How cute are we?

And just to let you all know, the females are the ones with the brains and strength in my family. On both sides. :-)

Thank you's go out to my best friend Becky and Tony, Franny, and the Mullers for their wonderful Valentines that I got in the mail. And of course to my awesome cousins for the homemade cards chocked full of love.

I'm still looking for my valentine... are you him? :-)

Happy Valentine's Day!


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