So yeah. I just spent a long time working on Math stats and I am even more confused and yet not. If I see another summation or pi squared or anything I will scream! Anyways. I think I will pass everything. Come on Vonda you can do it! 2 B's and an A would make my term all OK.
I can't wait to go back home and work at Tinseltown with Becky. :-) I am sad though at Curtis no longer works there. He was one of my fave people to work with. If he wasn't 28 or 29 and didn't have twin boys and a girl on the way and a wife, I would have had a major crush on him yo. Yes older men are just oh so great. He had a great sense of humor that Curtis. Ha ha. Another sad thing about Tinseltown is that almost everyone I worked with before has quit. Oh well I will make the best of it. Hopefully me and Beck with get lots of hours together.
The days are counting down and I still stew.
WOO. Time to go do nothing instead of studying! WOO!
Ice storm. I hate that. I need good driving conditions people! GOD! Help me out here! :-)
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