so the most perfect blog in the world was just deleted because Vonda is a dork and pressed soemthing that made it close *temporary delay due to argument with Milliam* So I will summarize it for you while Vonda pouts on the fouton. Vonda and I ( I being Molly ) had a wrestling wedgie fight with William since a certain someone not to be named, cough William cough, wears tighty whities.We were slightly sucessfull.
Vonda then started to talk out loud while she was typing which is the most ANNOYING thing ever!!!!! So she was bitching about something that I had said and how I'm going to stay up all night but she doesn't think that I can, and she totally missed a word while writting. I just happened to look over at the monitor right when she was writting/saying said sentence and I pointed out that she missed the work "need." She proceeded to complain about houw she doesn't like it when people read over her shoulder and correct her spelling or grammer. I think she was over reacting personally.
HAHAHA and may I just say that William is the funniest ever. Vonda was asking what she should call William's parents. She suggested Wendy and Willy, but William siggested Wendy and get out of the fucking shouwer.I like the latter better AND William has a peach fuzzy back side.
The next topic of disscussion was about how girls poop, and how Paul did not get it that girls poop. However, Vonda continued to explain that of course girls poop, girls are human beings and girls must poop, plus if girls did not poop then certain unmentionable things would not be possible. ( think nasty, because wa all know Vonda is nasty...deep down, she is)
So that was basically the end of her awesome blog...kind of dissapointing huh :)
Vonda is currently saying that she hates me. However, she knows that I really love her. I do this all out of fun. She is truely one of my best friends here, and tomorrow, she will not hate me.
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