Wednesday, January 01, 2003


So yeah, it's a new year and a new start. Or something cheesy like that. I had a marvelous New Years. It was almost a bad nite, the way it started out. Everyone was drinking except me and Tom and then I had to go all the way back to Erie to get John because his plans fell through so then he decided that we were good enough now that he had no options. I was cranky at first, but then I just said whatever and moved on. We played Trivial Pursuit and me and Tom were partners. What a mistake that was. Dude, he talked me out of so many right answers. It sucked ass. We could have won had I just said "No I think I'm right" but Tom is Tom and he is convincing. We were close to winning. It's just nice to have him in Erie. I swear I could never be cross with that kid. Tom is my longest friend and one of my most treasured. We are going to drive back to Erie following each other and such. And then he is going to find a few days and hang out with me. I am super psyched. I have to say, I think our friendship will be intact forever and that makes me feel good. I have known this kid since I was 5 friggin years old man. FIVE! He rocks.

Quote of the nite came from "Backdoor Ben": "Bob Costas is hot!" Oh dear lord, we didn't stop laughing for a very long time after that comment. Let's hope it was the alcohol talking. :-)

I hope all of my other friends had a marvelous New Years and were with people they loved. I know I was.

Good nite.

Welcome 2003.


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