Sunday, April 13, 2003

Agh crazy Saturday! Let's see... Ben Folds ROCKED! He was just great! I love his stuff and me and Chunshek were totally spazzing together and singing and dancing and being all crazy! I got to guard Ben's door FOREVER and made sure no one went in and out since Ben was "resting up" during the opening act and such... and I am so happy he played the song I wanted to hear "The Luckiest" and man was I freaking out. :-) And his encore part was AWESOME. He definitely had us saying "Dream on, dream on" forever and ever and it was just great... and he played "Song for the Dumped" and for the rest of the night all I could sing was "Give me my money back, give me my monday back... you bitch!" :-) And then he started playing that Jewish song and William is telling Jon Abad "Get me a chair!" and Jon gets it and says "Now what?" and William says "Lift me up!" and they do and it's just sooooo funny hahaha. Me and Chunshek heard the Jewish song and we just had to see William because he's the wannabe Jew. :-) It was so stellar! And then the show ended and we started breaking down and I got to go shake Ben Folds's hand and get his autograph on my shirt! Woo hoo! He's such a geeky guy! I love it! I'm so glad he came to our school. It was an awesome time.

Then I took William's two friends Marissa and Emily and we went back to my place and ordered Chinese and digressed and just chilled. It was all good except I was ridiculously tired and was going to pass out so fast. So I went to bed around 1:45 and Marissa said I was out the moment my head hit the pillow. But dammit, the night did not end there. Because guess who turned 21 yesterday? Max. Dammit! He got soooo wasted and threw up a lot and told Tofer he wasn't feeling well, so Tofer called for EMS and a janitor and yeah it wasn't a pretty sight. So Tofer woke me up around 2:30 and uh I was not a happy camper because I was deinitely asleep. So anyways I walk into the bathroom and Max is just finishing puking AGAIN and he is ONLY in boxer-briefs and uhhh let me say boxer-briefs do not cover well at all and I saw his "little friend" poke its head through not once, not twice, but THREE times... AGH! I saw part of Max's penis! AGH! So not what I wanted to see on my Saturday night. The great part is that I heard that Max later on felt sooooo bad and traumatized that I had seen him like that and well let's just say I most likely won't feel as bad for hurting him the other day. ;-) So I finally went to bed again after the police told Max he was OK (Sgnt Ellsworth was one of the campus po and that sux because Max personally knows him... how embarassing) and I gave him a bottle of water and guided the kid back to his room and told him to lay down and try to get sleep and drink water and blah blah. But he couldn't sleep because he didn't feel well and I was once again woken up and I told him to go to the lounge and just watch TV until he felt tired enough to not let the sick feeling keep him awake. And I was definitely cranky because it was almost 3:30ish and I was soooo tired and then I began to lecture him on his not so smart moves and I NEVER lecture drunk people because I know it's pointless and that's when everyone knew that I was that cranky and told me to just go to bed and they would take care of Max. Whew! RA life... how fun...

::yawn:: I'm so tired... I have to teeter in an hour and I am going to shower... I had to wake up to take Em and Marissa back to the train station... too bad I had to wake up because someone :-) had just entered my dream... too bad I'll never know what happens in my dream... :-) ::yawn:: time to shower and then up and down I go... so much to do today and so little time...


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