Another night of SNAP. And dammit, I got yelled at. My shifts with Anissa never go smoothly. We were studying in the library and doing our thing and then it got busy and we decided to park at the handicap spot for all of a minute and WHAM officer Lavallee catches us and guess who gets a talk? Yeah, me... and as he sees me walking out of the library he says "Please don't tell me it's you... I like you! You always smile! Please don't tell me it was you!" And I of course had to tell him it was me and he proceeded to lecture me on why not to park there and all that shizznat... luckily it wasn't officer Goulet or Sherry or whatever... she would have really reamed me for that! Anyways... Anissa was really being kinda sucky because she kept putting off the calls really bad bc she didn't want to stop working and I felt bad because all those people who called SNAP from 6-10 had to wait way longer than they should have... at least I didn't have to sit in Anissa's apartment, looking at the bongs and having to listen to her roommate talk about her inane problems... I like Anissa, I just don't like going to her place... I just feel uncomfortable (plus I had another letter shirt on today and well I've heard her apartment is very anti-AGD from other SNAP drivers who have been to her apartment... that makes me feel umcomfortable also)... Anyways, I think I only have one more shift with her and I'm done...
As usual, Pat was fun... we're always kind of cracked out when we drive SNAP together... only disappointing thing was that we still didn't get to finish As Good As It Gets!! So close but then everybody and their mothers just HAD to call in within the last 30 minutes... we will have to watch the last 10 minutes next week. ::sigh:: "I'm drowning here and all you're doing is describing the water!" Such good lines in that movie! "You make me want to be a better man." That is seriously one of the best compliments a guy can pay to a girl. Excellent! And the pep talk scene totally reminded me of Molly and I when I need a pep talk. :-) I love a good movie!
Personal Finance has me way more nervous than I should be. All I did today was read read read. I'm not even sure how much of it I will remember. Oh well!
Quadfest is totally being moved around and Movie on the Quad is all changed and yeah... this snow sucks and it's making things uber difficult. I loved how SocComm spammed undergraduates... haha...
William's mom definitely checked my blogger and I wonder what she thought when the first comment she read was "William is such a tool." Hahahaha... she probably laughed and agreed hahaha...
My profile today consisted of:
What I find in the average profile:
1. A very lame reference to a gf/bf... either a heart and their name or some awful love quote that makes me want to stop checking profiles
2. A quote about how hard life is or some eye opener that is supposed to make you go "Whoa, that is so true!"
3. Greek letters/IQP sites
4. Oodles of inside jokes
5. Little quizzes to take about so and so
6. Nothing fun anymore!
7. The latest trend is not having anything at all in your profile! That drives me nuts!
And I have to say, people responded well to it... or just responded more like it...
Bertini: It's almost ostentationous, like you're bragging that you have a significant other. There are a million other more romantic ways to say "I love you" than on your friggin profile.
Adam: I don't have that stuff in my profile
Cory: Whoa, number 7 is so true!
Zach: My profile is great. It just needs updating.
I love good profiles. :-)
Still overanalyzing... I'm a girl... it's expected though... mmm I deserve a slap from the ho tomorrow... :-P
Oh I got to see Ben today! Yay! I hate people going away on IQPs (even if his is in Boston haha)! It will be so sad next year when I won't see some poeple for C term, D term, and summer! :-( I will miss them way too much.
No more rambling... Gotta get to bed so I can wake up at the crack of dawn, get a refreshing shower in, and study some more Personal Finance... Oh yeah... how come Molly is the only person who ever comments? I commend her for her comments... maybe nobody cares to comment... I just get excited when someone comments because I know some people read my silly ramblings every day... ::hint hint comment people:: :-) Yeah OK, I'm really done.
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