Monday, June 16, 2003

Let's talk Boys and Girls Club.

I'm going to be lazy and just copy and paste from an email I wrote to someone instead of rephrasing stuff. Here goes...
"I have 13 girls in my group (the 12-14 year olds) and they weren't too bad the first day. Our group name was at first "Hot Girls 2003" (hey they chose it, not me :-P) but then they changed it to "Bay Bay Girls 2003" (AKA Baby Girls 2003). Yeah they are ghet-to haha. There are 10 black girls and 3 white girls and let me say that they inadvertantly segregate themselves. I expect about 20-25 girls by the end of the summer. And unfortunately we are definitely understaffed at the Boys & Girls Club and I hope the management figures out how to solve that somehow!

Funny/appalling moment of the day: Danye flipped Sean over his back and onto the hard gym floor. Oh yeah Danye and Sean are 7 years old and both black (ya know what, let's assume all kids I talk about are black unless I say otherwise haha... because really that place is 80% black kids and 15% white kids and 5% Latino of some kind) and Danye is one the of worst kids in the program. No remorse at all for anything he does. All the staff members know him just because there isn't a day that doesn't go by where you don't scream "Danye! Stop doing --insert bad thing he is doing--!!!!" And so yeah back to the story, Danye flips Sean and of course Sean starts bawling and landed on his arm pretty hard and is crying and so obviously someone is yelling at Danye and such and Danye's reply was "But Sean is my cousin!" He said that as if it's OK to hurt someone because they are family and "it doesn't mean anything" even though you make your cousin cry for 15 minutes. I had to laugh and at the same time shake my head because you just shouldn't think like that.

Oh wait, I just thought of another funny/appalling story that I saw coming: Chris (who is white) isn't allowed to have any computer time. Why you ask? Because he was caught looking at gay porn. And he is 9 years old. Yup. And to be honest, I had him in my group last year and well... me and Ben and Hanni and John all saw that coming. When we heard from his group leader that story, me and Hanni burst into laughter and said "Yeah we aren't surprised." Hey at least he knows what he likes at a young age."
OK that's all I've got people. I will try my hardest to blog. I don't want to turn into someone who never blogs except to say that they "never blog anymore" haha. :-)

I'm a 9-5 girl now (well more like 60 hours a week kind of girl). Time for a regulated sleep pattern. Woo!


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