Wednesday, October 22, 2003

Florida is pretty nice. I couldn't have asked for a better fall break. I get 7 days with my best friend - the joo, warm weather, and lots of rest. The flight was uneventful, although me and William did get to watch Legally Blonde on his laptop, so that helped pass the time quite nicely.

William's grandparents are HYSTERICAL. His grandfather is sooo crotchety. He just complains about everything and LOVES to pick fights with Judy, William's grandma. All they do is fight. William prepared me for this, but still... it's surprising.

The other night, we had dinner with Williams grandparents, William's great great Aunt Rozie and Uncle Jules, and William's Uncle Joel and (hopefully someday soon future fiance - or at least the whole family hopes) Lori. 7 joos and an asian. Could have been a sitcom. Anyways, at one point in the dinner, someone realized the AC wasn't working and WHAM, the table clears. It was like "How many joos can you fit around the thermostat?" or "How many joos does it take to fix the AC?" It was pretty funny. Me and William could not keep straight faces AT ALL.

All I have done is sleep and work on SNAP schedules. William has been doing the same. Lots of shopping and two movies - Intolerable Cruelty and Runaway Jury. Eh on the first one and thumbs up on the second one. We were the only ones in the theatre for Runaway Jury. It was awesome. The lady who sold us our tickets was pretty nazi-ish. She wouldn't give me a discount because I forgot my student ID. Hahah... us movie box office people are such bitches. I would know, because I definitely am a bitch in the box office! :-) Ian can back me up. ;-)

Grades are out! Well for 2 out of my 3 classes at least.
Linear Programming - A (I got 1057 points out of a possible 1000 points. Killed that class)
Psychology of Education - B (I got 830 points out of a possible 1000 points. Not bad)
*pending* Financial Accounting - A (Prof. Higgins is so slow to post grades! Sheesh! But I expect to get about 106 points out of 100 points. Or maybe just 104 out of 100. Depends on what I get on the investment project. ;-))

It's hard not to say something about grades because I am not allowed to say they are out or else William's grandparents will want to see them and he doesn't want to them to see his grades. You can ask him why. I won't say. There are a few other things I can't talk about either, but meh, I can deal! :-)

Went to Providence Place Mall with the joo, A. Michael, and Mono (AKA Laura) on Friday. It was hella fun. We laughed a lot and ate a shit ton at the Cheesecake Factory. That was the most fun I have had in a while. :-)

The love bug is almost out of my system. I think. Or maybe that's just distance. Who knows! Can I just go back to the void? Nah... but man... when will I get lucky? And not lucky in that sense. ;-) Just lucky with love.

Oh! It's Boy Meets World time! Woo! Oh and last minute add: Mickey gets to meet me on Thursday. :-) He's waited 20 years to meet me. I hope he isn't disappointed.


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