Saturday, December 20, 2003

HOME! Woo! The drive was kinda slow. The Mercedes actually has an accurate and working clock so I kept looking at it and it made the time go by so much slower than usual. There were no tired moments. Just a few yawning ones. I listened to the same CD for a good half of it. I can't seem to get enough of Maroon 5 and the Love Actually soundtrack. Both so good!

It feels great to be home. Patton came home real quick to help my unpack the car because if he didn't, he knew mom would bitch him out later. :-) I love being spoiled when I'm home since I'm home so little. Hehe. Anyways, I was having pho since I hadn't eaten a damn thing all day, and he is telling me a story about mom and dad. And it's just about how they are so forgetful and tell him the same things over and over again. My dad only does it twice... but mom is a huge offender. Six or seven times haha. It drives Patton NUTS! It almost made me snort noodles since I could see this happening every day and dear gawd it's funny. My parents are so weird and getting old!

Of course, you know the first thing I do when I come home is set up the computer. Duh. I go to WPI, that is such a given.

Becky called and welcomed me home. :-D I can't wait to see her tomorrow! I think I am going to sleep in real good and then get up, shower and then start off winter break with something new - a haircut! My hair is getting kinda long and scraggly. It's about that time.

I start up at ttown on Tuesday and work Christmas eve and Christmas. I don't mind, Christmas isn't the hugest and most festive holiday in our house. We don't even have a tree or anything. I'm sure mom will have me help her make an American Christmas dinner with turkey or chicken or ham, depending on what our mood is. It will be nice. I can't believe it's almost Christmas already. Last year we got out so early and this year, we got out so late. But I guess it's not THAT late, just in tune with other schools now, which is a first. WPI always likes to follow the beat of its own drum.

I think I got an A in MG 2200, a B in Stats II (I thought the final was awesome and I spanked it), and ummm I think I might have NRed math modeling. :-( I really don't know. Maybe Suzy will pity us all. I hope so, that class was so hard and if I knew I was going to NR it, I would have quit a while ago and threw my efforts into getting an A in Stats II dammit. Please, dear God, let me pass math modeling!

I cannot get The Sweetest Goodbye out of my head. :-( I hope it's not like this for the next couple of months. I will never survive! I am so pathetic. :-P

Well I am exhausted. And no longer in the mood to function. :-) Sleeping in my cold cold room. Thank gawd for space heaters.


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