thank you for calling cinemark tinseltown
Slow day at work. I am talking SLOW. And I was the only one there since April whatshername was a no-show again. She definitely got the boot this time. FIRED. Woo. I was bored out of my mind. Bonkers I tell ya, bonkers. The highlight of my 7 hour shift was getting a phone call, any phone call! "Thank you for calling Cinemark Tinseltown, the best seat in town! This is Vonda, may I help you?" Oh yes, ladies and gents, that was my highlight. Most frequently asked question: Are you selling Harry Potter tickets yet? Answer: Why yes, we are. We have 4 available show times, 11:30, 3:00, 7:00, and 10:10. At least Tony was there to entertain me here and there. I hate shifts where I work alone. They suck oodles. But I do have over 30some hours next week, so that it hot. I need to start paying off Denmark. Yowsers!
For Wednesday, I plan on finally buying the darn washer and getting a delivery day set. And ummm shopping? I would like to see what is new at Old Navy as well as hit up Lerner New York Company again. They have such cheap hot dresses. I got one, but hey... I could always use another. :-) I also wanted to see Mystic River at the dollar theatre. I hope they card me, I love being carded. :-) I asked Charlie to go with me, and I think he is... unless there is another big breasted ex-girlfriend around. Anyways, I will call him tomorrow and make him. Be forceful and leave no options, people. That is how you get reluctant people to hang out with you! :-D
Popped an email to David to see how he was doing. Doing fine, still same ol' David. He took the second actuarial exam and I hope he passes although I am way envious of his smartness. And he has a female Asian for his MQP partner. I hope he has better luck with her than any previous partners. He swore off female partners after IQP (and maybe even his partnership with me for Modeling with Diff EQs, hehe... I drove him nuts I think), but he doesn't really have too many other options, unless he wants to do MQP alone. Tough for him. Anyways, it was nice to hear from him.
I really need to stop staying up so late. REALLY. It's such a bad habit. And I sleep in so late. I almost wish I was still jetlagged. Almost. :-P
A random Danish memory...

This poster was in the office we worked. We asked someone what this meant. In Danish, the word for 6 is spelled "sex" and so the pun goes... and this is very loose translation, "6 servings (of vegetables) a day do you good" or "sex servings a day do you good"... something along those lines. Clever Danes. So the point is: VEGETABLES are good for you (and so is sex hehehe, OK I don't think sex is included but it helps spice up the advertisement of veggies, am I right?). Neither of which, the veggies or sex, I experience all too often (sex = never... by choice of course :-) and veggies = rare... by choice again), but the poster was great.
This is a "shout out" to C-squared, Carla Corbitt, to make her laugh some. Remember the worst pooping story I ever told that made you laugh and laugh and laugh? (I can't really write it out, because man oh man, it is just TOO much for this blog and for the public... I can only take so much self humiliation and embarassment!) Yeah just think of that story... oh! And think of suppositories, too and I hope you smile a great smile today! :-) AND ONE MORE: The Norwegian Prime Minister and his hot "Wait! Wash your hands!" tuxedo shirt wearing friend. Your Kobenhavn memory today has been brought to you by the letters V and B. Vonda Bui.
Becky comes home Saturday. Yessssssssss! That is all.
I just laughed so hard I cried.
I'm wiping away a tear right *now*
lets see, today I miss: The Sketchy guys from the B&B on your birthday!! I'm such a horribly friend- "No guys, SHE'S the birthday girl!!" lol....
ohohoh- and the moment we heard Toxic playing at Park Cafe... and the guy in the American flag shirt.
lol....... Can we go back now?
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