memories rushing
I just received Katie's package of my pictures that I had put on her computer. It was so good and so hard to see these photos. Just when I thought I had gotten good with the Kobenhavn withdrawal, these photos just bring it all back. It was such a good time. I really miss it right now. 5am. And I miss it. A lot. One photo to laugh at. :-) Joe getting toothpasted by Katie, me, and Matty the first day he was in Kobenhavn. We are such cruel friends.

I am laughing right now. So hard. ::wipe a tear::
Work was work as usual. The new game that me and Emily did today was writing the letters of our full names and then doing a scrabble/boggle contest with them. I think I was the most creative. From "Vonda Elizabeth Bui" I managed to make "hit ablazed bovine" with a left over u. Yeah, I think I am a Jumble whore and then some. :-)
Speaking of hitting animals, the other night while driving from the bar to Eat'n'Park, I encountered my first ever deer in the road. I was pretty close to hitting it. My heart was beating so fast. I was on Route 8 and there are no lights of course and you don't see the deer until you are RIGHT there. I swerved to the left and the deer ran right. I guessed well. I hope it's my one and only deer encounter.
After work, I made my favorite 12 year old come and hang out. We were supposed to hang out with Jeff and Becky, but yeah... by the time we got to her house, she and Jeff were passed out in bed. Old fogies. So Ian and I just played some N64 with Jay and yeah... Ian was a bit too good. For the first time ever playing Pokemon games, he won both times... STINKER! It was nice though to hang out. We are hanging out Tuesday, as well. Putt putt? Lazer tag? Something? Definitely. I also have it a point to see one of his baseball games this summer. See if he is any good. :-P
I also am seeing Harry Potter with Becky, her friend Emily, and Amy (from work). And I am trying to get Charlie to see it too. For some odd reason, he is boycotting the internet for the month of June. He just wants to see if he can do it... weird. I am not happy with that! He said he almost called me last week to go to see something at the dollar theatre, but since he is boycotting the internet, he didn't know what was playing so didn't bother. ::annoyed face:: Well I told him to call me... and then he tells me to call him. Except he works more than I do, so wouldn't it make more sense for the more busy person to call when they have spare time? ::shrug:: I think he will see it Monday. Stupid Charlie. :-)
I bet my neighbors think that our house has the weirdest music interests. Whenever my brother is at the computer, he plays all rap and R&B. It's quite ghetto and good. But then I get on and lately, it's been a lot of Phoenix and slow stuff, more contemporary. Not that I don't like the ghetto mix stuff, but I am not in that mood. And it switches back and forth. I am sure they like Patton's music more, since sometimes I hear them blasting similar stuff. But too bad, I'm not ghetto girl all the time. :-)
I get to work with Adam Suprock tomorrow! Yay! He is back from his vacation. It will nice to have more males in box again. Derek is back as well, so now we have two whole penises in box office. Sweet.
I am weird, aren't I?
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