Sunday, May 30, 2004


I'm really itchy right now. And I don't know why. Can bed bugs be spread from person to person? Poor Becky had bed bugs from Italy and I feel like I'm infected. Or something. Maybe it is all in my head.

Real quick recap because I am one tired mofo:
1. I forgot my blasted cell phone ALL day. I think I had around 10 phone calls. One of them being from the 404 area code, which according to Ian is central Atlanta. Who was that?? Jess J?? I am dying to know!
2. Worked 10-5 on about 4 hours of sleep.
3. Went and picked up Becky from the airport (slept the ride there for the most part). It is too good to have her back in the States.
4. Saw Shrek 2 for a third time (Becky's first :-D).
5. Got a purse from Italy from Becky... total count: 6 purses from Europe. I am in heaven, people.
6. Sleeping in tomorrow and seeing my best friend in the afternoon. Then working 4:45-11.
7. Let's hope I get out early. I want to see the redhead for some putt putt or a movie.
8. ::scratch scratch scratch:: Make the itching stop please!
9. My brother and dad will be home tomorrow.
10. I need to clean my room.
11. I got a best friend and a brother back in the span of 3 days. Life is good.



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