Sunday, August 15, 2004

hospital band

Now I'm home. But really I still feel like I'm at the hospital. The first few days I was home, I kept having dreams where I was trying to get home but kept getting lost or missed the stop. Home doesn't really feel like home. I guess that's why I haven't removed my band yet. I'll snip it the day I feel like I'm really healed and on my own. Which won't be for another five weeks. ::sigh:: The surgeon condemned me to another FIVE weeks of non-weight bearing on the right leg. Basically that means by the time I can start to fully walk again, I will have spent almost 10 weeks like this... bound to a wheel chair and crutches. I will never again complain about walking (ok never is a strong word, haha). I just... want this episode in my life to be over. I think it's overstayed its "welcome."

My family visited from New Orleans and gosh the kids are so old now. I remember when each one of them was born and taking care of them when I would visit. And now they are all grown up. They were very eager to help me with whatever and play with all my little handicap gadgets. I love my family.

So I wrote this LONG novel about my experiences from the beginning of the accident and what I remember. I was going to blog it, but I think it's too personal. I guss its main purpose is to be theraputic. I cried writing it, but then again I cry at about everything these days. I still am getting the whole being "emotional" thing under control. I cry less and less often these days and I am starting to feel like I'm myself again. But still... I think to this day... is this really happening to me?


But it's happening to me for a reason and it wouldn't have happened unless I was meant to get through it.

Mantra/medicine for the next five weeks: I am stronger than all of this.
Dosage: Everytime I feel frustrated.
Refills: As many times needed.
Expected results: A new and better Vonda.


Blogger jpabad said...

You're a tough one.
If you want, i'll show up in Erie and say hi. :)

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

vonda! I heard about your accident and I really hope everything is still moving and improving. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

-mike d.

1:46 PM  

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