roll over
Yes people, I can now roll over in bed. It takes a bit of effort but I can do it and it's relatively pain free. I can choose to sleep on my stomach if I want to. I am pretty tired of sleeping on my back. Next up is sleeping on my side. Hopefully that will come along soon. It is my favorite position to sleep in.
Bush... well let's see. We parked about 4 or 5 blocks away because all the streets around the stadium were closed off due to security. Ian and Hanni had to roll me along and man the bumps from the sidewalks definitely left me sore after the whole experience. As we were walking to the event (still at least two blocks from it), some Republican bitch working the event walks by us and screams to Hanni, "No purses!" in the rudest way and Hanni replies "It's a camera!" and the bitch still replies "No purses!" like a retard. And as all these people are walking to the event, they walk by a whole bunch of "Steelworkers for Kerry" signs on this lady's lawn. We were thinking "She rocks!" and a few of the Republicans walking by just had really ignorant comments to make and the lady would just laugh. We waved to her and then gave her the thumbs up. I hope she knew that we were Kerry kids. We were the only people without Bush signs or flags or anything. Also, there were these really AWESOME people who dressed up as snotty looking "billionares" and were walking around with signs that said "Billionares for Bush." They were awesome. Hanni loved them. We wanted to hit the guy on the corner who had a sign that said "Democrats for Bush." Ugh, he sucked at life... what a Benedict. And there were all these guys selling Bush pins... we wanted to buy one. But only so we could pull a Napoleon Dynamite and throw it down the street like crazy people. But we couldn't because we didn't want to fund his campaign even if it meant a good laugh.
It was sooo hot out. I was sweating bullets. As for the security check, I got patted down by the secret service since my wheelchair obviously was going to set off the metal detectors. She even patted my butt so as to make sure I wasn't sitting on anything in my wheelchair. What a great time. Anyways, we had to sit through a few Republican speakers. Phil English - yuck, we all dislike him and find him annoying. And Arlen Spector - meh, whatever. Hanni and I were nervous though. We were afraid the anti-christ from PA would show up. Hanni threatened to leave if he showed. And dammit I thought we were safe but mother! He was the last speaker before Bush. Friggin' Rick Santorum - gawd I hate that fucker. He is seriously someone I grotesquely dislike, maybe even actually TRULY hate. Anyways, Hanni had to hold back vomit during his talk. Luckily he was short and then it was just a wait until Bush. You knew he was coming when the secret service guys put the president's seal onto the podium. It was almost comical, like a good skit was gonna come on. And as the busses pulled in, the stadium went crrrrrazy. There probably around 15,000 people present. And I honestly think that me, Hanni, and Ian were the ONLY ones not clapping. And I think those around us didn't like us. They would kinda take peeks at us because we would make Democratic remarks in response to things said in Bush's speech. And then when Bush started talking about the "activist judges" and all that jazz, Hanni couldn't hold it in and screamed "BIGOT!" as loud as she could. That's when everyone around us REALLY knew that we weren't Bush fans. I started to only slightly fear for my cripple life. The lady next to Hanni moved to a different place after Hanni screamed bigot. It was kinda funny. We were really civilized otherwise. As for his speech in general, it was nothing special and almost an exact copy of his RNC speech. He stumbled in his speech and stuttered funnily about two times, which got smirks from the entire audience, even those that love him. You can't deny the man has some speaking skills to learn still. His wife and daughters were with him as well although they really did nothing (Laura introduced him and that's it). This event, of course, has not changed my vote in any way. It was an interesting time though and it's important to hear the other side, even if you don't like it. It's important to be informed. And entertained. ;-)
Lame part of the rally: all the damn COUNTRY music. ::vomit::
Cool part of the rally: all the damn SECURITY! There were around 5 guys on the roof of my high school with what looked to be high-tech looking scope-thingies (wow, I am technologically handicapped as well haha). They were scanning the crowd and the surroundings the whole time. It was very cool.
Regret: Because we chose to go to the Bush event, we missed out on the anti-Bush rally downtown at Perry Square. I think that's where we ultimately belonged.
Anyways, the rest of my Labor Day weekend was spent going out with friends. I went to lunch with Becky and her family (minus her mom... it's a dad and daddy's little girls lunch thing). Becky's dad could not stop raving about the theatre. He finally went to his first ever professional show, Hairspray, in Toronto and he was BLOWN away. We told him he was behind in the times because me and Becky already had a love for the theatre. He's so funny when he gets excited. His flaw: raging Republican, haha. He asked if my vote was changed after the event and I gave a firm no and he laughed. :-)
John John came into town randomly and he and Hanni came over and we talked for a few hours. We talk about the weirdest stuff and always end up laughing so hard, we're almost crying. It was nice.
And finally, I saw Paparazzi with Ian on Monday. It was a so-so movie and very short. There was one really cool death scene/idea that was super clever. But the rest of the movie was mediocre and kinda expected. I don't think I liked the ending either. It was wicked anti-climatic. Anyways... not worth it unless you saw it for free (like me). :-)
My right leg and hip area definitely feel oodles stronger. Or strong in general. Two more weeks. Just two more weeks! I can't wait to work it. Because my right leg is gross in my opinion. Not ugly but just gross and fat because all the muscle is gone. Well not all, but it's definitely not like the other leg. And I can't wait to be rid of the wheelchair. My brother is just full of jokes and meanness. When he doesn't want me to come into the room, he throws pillows on the ground knowing I can't roll over them nor pick them up without my reacher (I am not supposed to bend over a 90 degree angle). Just wait til I am walking again. That jokester is going to get it from his older sister!
thanks for the bush report!
Living in republican land, i've noticed that there are normal ones and ones that just seem to have lost a few brain cells and just aren't nice.
Anyways, what's this about a reacher?
Is it like a claw hand?
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