Friday, February 04, 2005

such a good day

Well ladies and gents, I am not as worthless as I previously thought. I really felt that I didn't get the internship at Allmerica when they didn't call back soon enough, but apparently they liked me! And they offered me the internship. I can only hope this leads to a full time position or at least adds a nice boost to my resume. I don't feel as destitute now about finding a job. :-) I am so happy.

One of the best feelings in the world is when you freshly vaccumm your room and use that carpet scent stuff and your carpet is so fresh and so clean clean. You can walk barefoot and not feel any dirt or crumbs and such. LOVE IT.

MQP is a little better, but I really don't think we will finish this term. I don't think it's where it needs to be. But we will see. My partner is making more of an effort and that is better I guess. I just want to be done with it and graduate.

I need to figure out where I am living soon. Laura wants to know by the end of the term if I am living here next year or not. I am almost tempted to take it, because I would most likely be trying to get a job in this area, near Boston, Providence or horrors of horrors, Connecticut. And the commute would suck but it would be very do-able. I am still unsure. I like my apartment and my roommates. Although it really wouldn't be the same without William. I need to figure this out soon, I just wish I had a job to focus my decisions on. Gotta keep sending out the resumes and cover letters and keep having good interviews. I om 1/1 on interviews. :-)

Spring break has been finalized. I am going home with Hanni. I hope that biatch doesn't drive too slow.

Speaking of Erie friends, I am VERY VERY upset with John. He lied to us about his illness. Why does he hide things like this?

Well time for some down time. :-) Loving life.


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