so so so
There is so much ground to cover and so much that has happened and so many photos to show off. Let's divide and conquer.
Senior Week
The Boston Cruise was a little disappointing. The food was very so-so and drinks were expensive and the music was pretty ghetto and trashy. Lots of country, which only Adam Bryant loved. A particular junior, one of our number one douchebags on the Hnh-North scale, came along as a guest and just made scenes everywhere and almost got the captain to turn around the boat and bring up back to the harbor. DOUCHE! Here is a lovely photo of Katie and I freezing outside before we got onto the boat.

And here are Carla and I pre-dinner, looking fabulous.

The Sever Boys were severely disappointed as well, so much that they had a Home Alone moment of horror at the craptacularness of the cruise.

Blue Man Group kicked ass and we spent dinner at Fire + Ice. That place was pretty amazing and their daquiries were ridiculous! I could have gotten wasted off just half one, so I gave it mostly to Amy. :-) Here is a photo of us at our table, enjoying our food

Dave had (I think) about 3 plates worth of food. I just had one, which was more than enough.
The PawSox game was pretty good. Adam Bryant was extra excited, as you can see from the photo of him pre-game.

The PawSox kicked ass that night and we sat in right field, which was prime for catching several foul balls. There was definitely one ball that I thought was going to take me out, but luckily bounced just right out of my face. Here is a photo of Jocelyn fondling one of the two balls that Derrick caught that night.

I got to have the other ball, which is currently sitting on my desk. Here are some hot AGDs: Bell, Kapow, and T-face to be exact.

Overall, the game was good, but FREEZING!! And I found out that I am one hell of a heckler. I am just mean really. The Indian's right fielder definitely glared a few times my way. The game was such a blowout. At one point, the Indian's pitcher walked in two runs, with the bases loaded. And then there was a wild pitch and that walked in another run as well. I believe I screamed at that point "Way to go number 13! Good job on getting out of the way so your teammate could walk in a run on a wild pitch! Woooo!" Yeah, I am obnoxious, but funny. :-P
Senior Week ended with a trip to Foxwoods where most of my friends were stingy. I only lost 10 dollars, while other big winners like Bob walked away with 850! Crazy, I know. I was pretty impressed with Senior Week overall and am glad I went to almost everything. It was a great way to go out at WPI.
Graduation Weekend
Whoa. I graduated. My family came in, along with Becky and Tony, and it was great. This is me, pre-graduation, in my lovely spring dress that accentuated my tan skin. Rawr!

Becky and I pre-graduation. The 2005 tassle is just sparkling. :-)

So great story about my robe: I bought the wrong kind. I got the master's robe which has these weird sleeve additions. I had to tuck them in and hope no one would notice as I received my diploma. :-) Here it is... the culmination of my WPI career: receiving my diploma!!!!

The other glitch that day was that Janet Richardson said I was graduating with the wrong honor. She said only distinction when I graduated with high distiction. Anyways, the two guys I sat between were pretty cool. Jeff Budis and I spent most of the ceremony cracking jokes and just having a good time. The funniest part of the ceremony was when this guy (Daniel Colao or something?) walked in late and couldn't find his seat. He asked Ian Buzzanoski what his last name was, and because Ian said a last name with a B, Daniel kept looking for his seat thinking he was in the next row. 10 minutes later, he slinked into his seat with a goofy mortified grin on his face and told us all "Kill me now!" Pretty hilarious.
Post graduation photos were lovely. Here is the Bui family:

My father looked so happy. Believe me when I say this, that smile on his face is genuine and there are so few genuine smiles that grace his face. Next up is me with the bestest friend in the whole wide world and her kickass boyfriend.

Here is a impromptu photo of Patrick and I conversing, taken by Becky. She is all about the natural, unexpected photos.

It was definitely very nice to see him there and he ended up hanging out with us for parts of both days and nights. Next is a photo of my brother, Patton, and I:

Do we look alike? Because, really I think we have very opposite features. He definitely has more my mom's looks while I am more my dad's, but really, we don't even look a whole heck like our parents either. Strange, huh? Anyways, this next photo is of the joo and I... graduates. (Still really weird to say that)

And the last of the post-graduation photos is us 3 out of 4 Danish Dames with our Danish advisor, Thom.

Besides graduation, where was also Baccalaureate, where I had to explain what a vector was to William's parents. Friday night involved going to the Sole to see the most fabulous Jon Abad, who was in town. Friday was low key with hang out time with Becky, Tony, Patton, and Patrick. Saturday was exhausting. We spent so many hours just sitting around the apartment trying to decide what to do. We flipflopped around with the idea of the movies, bowling, putt putt, Target, etc. Patrick was our go-to-guy, really, the computer bitch.

In the end, we all went to see Monster-In-Law, which was practically sold out. Afterwards, we went for dessert, which turned into dinner at Denny's after a failed excursion to Friendly's. It was really nice to just hang out with people that I care about and mix the two worlds I live in and have it all be one world for once. If only that were all the time...
Oak Island, North Carolina
The trip to NC was exactly what I needed. It was a week of pure relaxation with sun and water and just... wonderfulness. The drive down wasn't too bad. It was split between four of us, me, Molly, Katie, and Lisa. I drove the last leg, from 6am-9am, which wasn't bad once I had about two hours of sleep under my belt. Here is a photo of the wonderful beach that I spent every day laying on.

This is a photo of all of us at Provision Co.

The quote of the week happened here. Brianne was looking at the pelicans and really wanted one. The conversation goes:
Brianne: I wanna wrestle one of those!
One of us girls: What, the pelican?
Brianne: No, the car. :-P
I guess you had to be there... haha. The next photos are of us on the beach during sunset.

This is a great photo of Brianne kicking that wave's ass! Catherine dragged her in. It was very entertaining.

Here is a final photo of Katie and I before I drove her to Wilmington Airport to ship her off to Colorado.

Notice how tan I am. :-) Here I am, on the final day, tan as can be, and loving the week I just spent in NC. My first time in the ocean. :-)

The beach was full of TV, drinks, card games, sun burns, tans, killer waves (That was totally wicked!!!), and fun fun fun. The car ride back was ridiculous. I was friggin' peeing like a mofo. I had at least two liters of Mountain Dew. Molly and I also stopped by Laurel, MD to visit Patrick as well. His coop apartment was decent, a little cramped but pretty cool. I gave him the Dr. Pepper Pop Rocks that I bought for him while in Oak Island. I'm sure he loved them.
Back to Reality
Now that I am back in Worcester, life is a little slower... and unsure. But I got a lot of fun stuff on my plate. This week, I have two job interviews and some great time set up in CT. I plan on watching all the original Star Wars and then seeing it in digital projection with Tom. I was also invited to Drew's graduation party yesterday when I visted him while I was at Katie's place watching her pack up the rest of life into her car. Papa Christopher treated us to lunch and we gave moral support as he tried to get Katie's stuff to fit. Anyways, I entertained Drew and his roommate Stu for a little bit while they were packing up and such. I also got to see my favorite person, Topher, on Saturday night. He treated me to Dunkin Donuts and then almost got us killed. It was ggggggreat. And last night, I went out with Derrick, William, and Jocelyn to Thai Cha Da, had drinks at the bar in the Blackstone Valley Theatre and then saw Madagascar. Movies are pretty funny with a drink or two inside of you. :-P
Life is good. If only every day, every week, every month were as good as the past few I've just had. Thank you to all those who have touched my life in some way, bad or good. I've grown a lot over the past four years and I can only hope I keep growing towards a better me. I love my life. And I love all of you.
Nice blog great photo's I am from boston originally
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