raging rita
So my family in Port Arthur has evacuated and those in Houston are leaving today for Dallas. Lee and Lisa's dad was stupid and decided to stay in Port Arthur which is soooo stupid. They are very upset that their dad is being so stubborn. He is the only one from the family staying behind. :-( This has been such a bad year for my family. So now, all the New Orleans people are displaced in TX, and those that stayed with family in Port Arthur and Houston, are displaced again, along with the family who hosted them. JESUS CHRIST. Please stop hurricaning. Please. If the hurricane blows over my aunt's house in Port Arthur, then my mom and dad's house will be the only remaining functional home out of all my aunts and uncles. My three aunts and uncles all lost their homes to the flood in New Orleans. But amazingly... just AMAZINGLY... my grandparent's house, which is trusted to my mother, was not flooded or ruined. So strange how that happened. I just keep praying that everything turns OK and that my stupid cousin is alive and well after Rita hits. And I hope that Rita avoids New Orleans. It can't take anymore. And neither can I or my family. I miss my family. A trip to Erie sounds kind of good, as well as a trip to Texas.
Elizabethtown really reminds me of my friendship with Daniel. "We peed on the phone!" really brought back some funny memories. :-) I am one crazy person with some crazy friends.
Banana hammock. :-)
My mom also wishes we had taken a trip to erie...
She and I are bunkered down here in Houston and happily are not in a flood area.
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