Thursday, September 29, 2005


Lee thinks I am a well-rounded person. Upon further inspection, as well as confirmation from Patrick, I believe that yes, I am well-rounded. I enjoy literature, movies, film, tv, a variety of sports, the sciences, art, music, etc. Each one of my good friends helps play a role in keeping me well rounded. If I have to choose two more areas to be more knowledgeable in, it would have to be politics and money.

All my relatives are safe. And the houses in Port Arthur just need a few repairs, nothing major. I am VERY thankful. It took a bit of weight off the shoulders for everyone.

This upcoming weekend will be a bit crazy. I got Katie with me, in from Colorado. Unfortunately, I won't be sleeping a whole lot, but sacrifices are needed in the spirit of fun! I got some homecoming stuff on my plate and a last minute brunch.

The Red Sox are turning me into a foul mouthed sailor with their come from behind antics. Agh! I am way too into baseball at this time of the year.

Casaul Friday tomorrow! :-) And then off to crazy antics with my crazy Carla. The weekend looks sunny with a chance for mischief.


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