Well week 1 is done, 7 more to go at the B&G Club. I hope I survive and not kill anyone. Although I think I made Lacreishia (who is 12) cry, but to be honest, she deserved it. I'm tired of her disrespect and her lack of maturity. She thumped her 6 year old cousin right in the eye and her cousin cried for so long. So I made Lacreaishia feel this big (imagine me holding my fingers an inch apart) and well she spent all of art with her head on the table and not talking to anyone. It was the nicest art period ever. I hope to make Lacreishia feel as much remorse as I can because I think she is the most mean-spirited human being I've ever met and I can't stand her attitude. (Wow I am mean haha... but I just have no patience for out-right disrespect).
I have a feeling I am going to repeat last summer and work every day of the summer, Mon-Sun. I work 9-5 Mon-Fri at the B&G, and then for the past two weekends, I have work both Sat and Sun and 2 other weekdays. I don't mind. I guess I like the money and enjoy the hours at ttown.
Working at the B&G is very bad for me and Hanni at times. We both have the urges to yell at kids when they are doing something bad all the time, whether it be at the B&G, Walmart, outside by our houses, at the movies, etc. It's ingrained in us to want to go up to them and tell them to stop and let them know that they are being bad. Hanni almost went up to her neighbor's kid because he was swinging a golf club in the air like a crazy kid and wanted to take it from him and say "Who gave this to you!?" and then make him sit out for time out. Haha... that is the life when you are around kids soo much.
I also love being recognized outside of the B&G club. The kids are so much nicer than. In the club, they are very bad, but outside, they pretend to be angels and like me because they are with their parents. Recognizing incident number one happened last night at the movies. Little Sean recognized me and asked me if I worked the B&G and I said yup and that I would see him Monday and he told his mom that he knew me and then gave a cute wave good bye. :-)
John came to visit!!! It was the first time I had seen him since winter break! It was a surprise and man when I saw him, my jaw dropped haha. It's good to see Big Gay John. :-)
Well I think I'm going to make something to eat and then head off to work for another shift at the movies. Yay!
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