Thursday, July 03, 2003

So tonight, I saw Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, and Blonde. It was damn good. It was pretty funny and I would see it again if I were bored.

My dad is home right now. Weird. He owes me $300. I should charge interest since it's late in repayment. Grr. (Wow I just sounded like William there... charging interest... haha!)

So the whole card parties just get worse and worse. I got into a bad fight with my mom again. And I spent the night at Hanni's because I couldn't stand to be home. I felt horrible. I hate fighting with my mom more than anything. Things are better, but not really. Because I know the card parties aren't stopping and I will continue to not stay in my house if this continues. I should just move out. :-(

It was soooo nice to see Jon Abad, Ben, and Shamus! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went out to eat at Eatn'Park and then just chatted. It was so great to be with them. I miss WPI. They found PA and fireworks laws funny haha. Ask them about it. Or see the photo. :-)

Tomorrow is the 4th of July and yeah, I am working the morning. Then some good ol' Mercyhurrst fireworks to top off the night. You see everyone and their mothers and fathers tomorrow night. Woo hoo. I like to play the "Who knows more people" game tomorrow night. :-D

I called David and talked to him for a few minutes before I saw 28 Days Later yesterday. It was really nice to talk, even if for a few min. I feel like I haven't talked to him in ages. Oh wait, I haven't haha. It's def been about 2 weeks or so. He is one of those people who doesn't chat about nothing like I do. He only communicates if he has something to day. Most normal people are like that. I, on the other hand, am not like that hehe.

Work at T-town is just as fun as usual. My first official staff meeting was pretty damn funny. The segment called "I work with zombies" was pretty hilarious. And well I just love the T-town crew. My favorite people to work with are Becky, Adam, and Ian. Ian is the youngest, freshly 16, and I always forget that he is so young. I like to compare how young is he by saying "He was 9 when Tupac was shot." Don't ask. Just be confused and say "Vonda is weird" because I am. :-) Anyways work is great there and I love the people. And my first paycheck at $5.77 was nice!

B&G is same ol' same ol' really. I want to rip my hair out at the end of the night and that is definitely expected. But I like it. I forget how much I like working with kids even though they are monsters. And Ryan jokes about making a movie about this place someday and it's great because I can just see it all. The stars would be the staff, and other regular kids like Allante, Danyah, Chris Powell, etc. The big time trouble makers really haha. Ryan said the opening scene would be a staff member waking up and doing his morning routine and then as he is driving closer and closer to the club, his hands start to shake at the wheel. And it's very peaceful until he gets to the club doors and then as he steps in, there is a SONIC BOOM of noise that drowns everything out... and then you see it... you see THE KIDS! AGHH! Haha. Gawd I double over and laugh whenever I think about it. And me and Hanni do impressions of the kids a lot and can't stop laughing. It's awesome.

Well I should get to bed. It's been an eventful day. :-) Hope tomorrow is even kewler.


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