Friday, April 18, 2003


Yeah I definitely just lost this humongous blog I was writing because my finger bumped the wrong button and yeah... I'm pissed. Bah. Now I don't even want to rewrite it all... I will try though...

OK back to Wrights... good stuff... David had to pour most of my drinks the rest of the night because obviously I was way too clumsy and couldn't do it myself! Haha... Erin was all into her chicken and just being crazy and Colleen and Caitlin pulled an awesome purse caper on Erin and filled her purse with sugar packets. There were some definite weird conversations and odd comments (some coming from me haha). I think I need to think before I speak haha and also learn how to pour water without spilling all of it over the table! :-)

Hahaha David did the funniest thing in Advanced Calc haha... Fehribach was asking if anyone knew what this certain function was called and said that you would know this if you had taken a complex analysis class and I turn to David and give him a look/smile because I know he is in that class and most likely knows the answer... and he does... so he gives the right answer and afterwards proceeds to do the Tiger Woods-ish "yeah I made the shot!" pumping of the arm motion and man it was just too hilarious hahaha... high point of Advanced Calc haha... Fehribach tends to always ask "Does anybody know the answer?" or "What comes next?" or "Anyone who hasn't answered want to answer?" And well I never know the answer but there are def some people in our class that ALWAYS know the answer and always raise their hands and it's like jeez... haha so whenever I do answer a question, I feel all special haha... I guess David thinks similarly haha...

Haha the Quest of MAW is comin along... James is really doing all the work... I just run around and get the furgls and find people... Here is this awesome harassing email from Lord MAW:
Oh, my poor Team Omega.

There you sit, in last place, not knowing
which way is up. Can you even hope to
solve a SINGLE Challenge in the Quest of Maw??

Tauntingly yours,
Lord Maw
I want to know who writes these! I think it's Prof Martin but we will see haha...

Observation: If you have someone on a stage that doesn't know what to do and an audience watching on... there is always someone bound to say "Take it off!" This is always true, people... always!

NV21 was a bit of a depressing thing tonite since all the plays were really serious or about death and yeah eating disorders, etc... hopefully tomorrow night will be funny... it was still decent nonetheless... I loved Amanda Gray... she is seriously one of my favorite people... :-)

So it's starting to hit me that the school year is ending soon and I am torn between joy and dread... joy because I admit I love going home and seeing my best friend Becky and my brother and my mom and working at T-town and just being home and feeling safe... dread because I really hate good byes or "See you next year"'s... I really do... I have a hard time imagining going three months without see or hanging out with a few people that have become key characters in my crazy life... agh! I mean there is always the phone and IM and emails and etc... but it just sometimes isn't enough... I really almost wish I wasn't going home for the summer... but then again... I need to go home... I just miss it... most likely will be my last summer at home... I think I want to stay out here next summer and look for an internship somewhere or get an on-campus job... but anyways... plus there are a few things that I have started that I don't want to stop... ::sigh:: damn you time... you go too fast...

I really want something to happen. Yup. A lot. ;-)

So it's Friday and ya know what I want to do? Go to bed... I am so weak and getting old haha... oh man in the office today, I actually said out loud "Oh wait I'm 20." How creepy... I actually said out loud my real age... yeah times are changing haha... William was so shocked, he proceeded to email all of soccomm about it... haha SocComm spam, ya gotta love it! I can't wait for MEGA FLAME GO! Last term that racked up almost 200 emails in the span of 24 hours... it was awesome...

Oookay... I am done with randomness... maybe... who knows... I always have tons of thoughts running through my head... then again who doesn't?


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