Well NYC was a blast even if we got rained out. Conan was THE MAN and I hope you looked hard because me and Becky were definitely on TV when they panned to the audience. Madame Tussad's was AWESOME! Me and Becky were probably being inappropriate at times but it was damn funny. As me about the photos we took. :-) There was so butt grabbing, crouch shots, nose honking and just plain silliness as we reveled in the realness of the wax people. It was cccrazy.
My car acted up just a bit when it overheated near Mt. Pocono. And the traffice was killer. It took us 10 hours to get to William's when it should have only taken about 8 with sufficient breaks. Oh well, can't have things perfect.
William was a bit of a brat and I know he will read this, but hey, he was! He just got his iBook and just would not get off of it. His sister Franny saved the day by being a great hostess and I love her for doing that. Hey joo, you suck. :-) Learn to be better at entertaining me and Becky. Also, hahahaha, while we were driving down Oceanside, I wanted to be obnoxious towards William and was screaming "Jew!" out the window as we drove through. It was quite humorous and very tactless. :-P Un-Vonda-like I would say. I guess Oceanside is a very Jewish area. Oh well! :-)
I just read in Amanda Gray's profile about how Wal-Mart isn't the same without me and I just realized how much I miss her and her soccer mom personality and everyone else at WPI and the life I lead there. I am just about ready to be done with Erie. Not that I don't love it, because I do, but I am ready for summer to be over.
And let me say, I love Becky to death. She is without a doubt the best friend a person can have. If I could take one thing back to WPI with me, it would be her. :-)
Um work at the B&G is hell. I am DEFINITELY ready to be done with that. The kids just get mouthy and I have a lack of patience these days. Ugh, plus 30 kids by myself is HORRIBLE. Oh well... just two and half more weeks!
Reading the admissions cafe has gotten me all excited for NSO (not the training though... oh the training will be GRUELING!). I hear of future residents and big speakers and my RA quirks start a ticking again. Fun police, here I come! :-P
The ho and Jared will be here in a week and half. Yay! I hopefully can send a few non-immediate necessities back with her in her car since I really fear that my Audi might not fit it all. Agh!
My dad is coming in this weekend again. Umm... yay? Maybe? We will see. Still owes me some money! (Now I feel like William)
Ok time for bed. Tomorrow is a long day, with work at the B&G and then Tinseltown where Tomb Raider 3, Spy Kids 3D, and Seabiscuit come out. Then on Saturday... Tom Muller is coming to town! WOOOOOOO! I am far too excited about that! :-) I just talked to him for an hour tonight and man, I miss the bugger. Yay for seeing old friends. On that good note, I will head to bed.
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