It's been quite a while since my last blog. I am blogging instead of packing right now. Procastination is my life.
I got my Denmark project, top choice baby! I got the Accident Study which is awesome and my project partners are even AWESOMER! I have Stash, my old roomie, and Matt Knott. Both very amiable people. I am SUPER excited. :-)
I forgot to say what my B term grades were. Not all of them are out yet because Kathy Wilkens sucks at life and couldn't get her grades in for some stupid reason. But the kicker is that I passed Math Modeling! I almost cried when I saw my grade. Suzy gave me a B! WTF?! I couldn't believe it. I know my average in that class was gawd awful. But hey, whatever, I can't complain. And I got a B in Stats II as well, although at first it was a C and then I emailed Petrucelli to let him know he forgot to give me a grade for the last lab. That bumped me to B range, woo hoo! I got a killer A in Pre-PQP. Woo! That made me extra happy! I guess my final paper was decent enough! And I know our group paper rocked because the Tom and Peder told us they heard good things from Kent. And I still have a Q in MG 2200. I think that class will end up an A because I rocked it and I definitely was getting the highest or second highest scores in that class. If I don't get an A, I will have to inquire as to why. But as I said before, Kathy sucks and couldn't get it in on time although she had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD. Anyways, these grades mean one thing: NO STUDY HOURS IN C TERM! WOOOOOOOOO! :-D
So here is the disappointing part of school: I got rejected from Wallstreet. Bah. Oh well. I still don't know how I got rejected. ::shrug:: At first I was pretty sad, but then I called these landlords and it comes out we might get a killer apartment and that erased any unhappiness! :-) I will just have to find a lame on-campus MQP to do like Patrick hehe. Maybe if David doesn't get in, we can do one together. It would have to be actuarial though. :-D
I am so pumped about the apartment thing. I hope it works out with these guys because they sound really nice and the place sounds killer. It will be renovated and such, but it's a great location and hopefully when we talk more, it will be a great price! Mandi Moore's place was really nice but it was SUPER expensive. The cheaper the better. Plus if it's decently cheap, maybe Tom will come live with me over the summer! That means I need an on-campus job though. I don't know how I will pull that off though. Let's cross our fingers! Maybe RSO, although I am not returning. Or one of the other RA jobs over the summer. I want to actually use my apartment over the summer though. I don't want to be paying rent and not using it, you know? We shall see! I will have to have it all squared away before Denmark though.
Let's see. What has happened since my last blog? New Years was quiet and nice. Just a little ditty at Amanda's and then a sleepover with my best friend in the whole wide world! And then just lots of working. We hung out at Tony's one of those nights and watched City of Lost Children - a really weird French film from the same director of Amelie. It was super super weird. And I definitely fell asleep for part of it. I ended up falling asleep later on too while Tony and Becky chatted it up. I was tired. HI TONY! I KNOW YOU READ MY BLOG ALTHOUGH YOU SAID BEFORE YOU WOULDN'T! ACE TOLD ME! he, it doesn't matter though, I don't care. :-P I never say anything bad about him though. I should. :-) Or something juicy about Tinseltown since he is the manager. Alas, nothing juicy ever happens. Except for a suspension, but it wasn't that big of a deal. It was well deserved though! :-) Speaking of work, I was 54 off one day. I think it was a computer error. Because it happens that the next day, a CRAP TON of people were off and we lost a bunch of money it said, even managers! So I think it wasn't me since 54 is exactly 8 adult tickets on a fri-sat night, maybe a refund problem? I doubt I will get written up, and if they do, it will sit there until possibly next winter. Hehe.
I got to hang out with Ian a little bit. I still hate him for being gone so long over break. But at least I got to see him for lazer tag. He loved the gift I got him. A nice picture collage frame of me, Becky, Adam, and Amy and it says "Cinemark wouldn't be the same without you, Ian" and IAN is the color red in both Cinemark and his name. It was hot. I love that kid. He is such a favorite of mine. And me and Adam are oodles of fun together! I got 5 hugs from him over break! Hecks yeah! I love Adam! I made him feel bad though one day, and I made him an apology card. :-) I hope he has a better semester. I love all my box office people. :-)
My fingers are getting cold. And my clothes are still unpacked. And it's almost midnite. And I need my sleep. And I cannot with for quality time with Tom. :-) It will be a good but crazy ass term, I can just feel it in my bones. :-)
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