here we go
This is me right now, pre-appointment... the appointment that is gonna determine the rest of this year...

This better be what I look like after my appointment...

Yes people, your first glimpse of me post accident. I made sure I looked good. ;-) Because I have had some ugly moments since the accident happened. If you look closely enough, my right (but left in the pictures) eye still isn't 100%. Come on nerves, lets work a little faster here!
There have been bad omens everywhere this week. My godfather/uncle is in the hospital and my grandfather just had a stroke TODAY and they don't know if he is going to make it. It's just not fair... my poor mom is so distraught, first my grandmother and now maybe my grandfather... if anything, anything! happens to my uncle... it would be devastating. Please God let them be OK. ::sigh:: And please, God, don't let me bad omen #3. You made me #2 last time... please just let something good happen, please.
Thanks everyone for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers. I will definitely jump for joy (at least mentally) if and when I get the good news. And in a few weeks, lets hope I can physically jump for joy. And if it's bad news... no, we won't even go there. It's gonna be good news. It just HAS to be.
Saw the picture you posted on blogger, and girl, you have lost some weight! You look great!!! Hurry back to school, you are missing out..and greatly missed!
Get "C" to drive you around... payback... ya know!!?
Do what the Dr. tells you too!
take care..
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