Monday, October 11, 2004

ahead of the game

So according to my physical therapists, I am way too advanced for the stuff they have my doing. But they can't have me move onto more difficult things until my weight bearing status changes, which won't happen for two weeks. I am currently trying to bump up my appointment with Dr. Cross so that I can have that status changed, as well as get his opinion on how he felt about me going back to school. It also would give me a week to look for physical therapy places in Worcester and I could actually be at school for the first day and have time to set up my room/apartment and know what needed to be changed. I can't believe the first day of B term is just two weeks away. Thank goodness!

So I once again cleaned so more in my old room. I threw out a whole bunch of clothing I didn't wear and cleaned the dresser. I still have to go through my entire closet though. My mom got tired, so we had to stop since I can't access my closet with the wheelchair as easy. I feel on top of things with the cleaning, because it will make the packing process way easier, as well as keeping my crap to a minimum. Not that it matters this time around since we now have a minivan and I can fit anything in that thing.

Sunday was such a good day. We (being Becky, Ian, Adam, and Tony) went to Ocean's Buffet in Edinboro. The two youngest (Adam and Ian) bitched about having to drive 20 min out to Edinboro JUST FOR FOOD. But I personally think it's the best Chinese food around and at a good price. So they can suck it up, it's not like they were doing anything else at the time. During lunch, Adam told the best poop story (it put all of mine to shame) ever and at certain points, I was laughing so hard I was unable to breathe. It was great. I almost cried... or maybe I did, I can't remember now. Anyways, it was a good time. I saw Cellular afterwards, not as awful as could be, but pretty bad in its own right.

Good news, I think I might have an MQP. It's probably gonna deal with the new proposed Massachusetts automobile insurance rating system. Too bad I am doing it by myself. I always thought I'd have a partner for the hell that is MQP. But I guess not. Better to have an MQP period, right? Yeah that's what I tell myself.

Good surprise find while cleaning: the Edward Scissorhands DVD someone gave me!


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