Sunday, October 10, 2004

season of excitement

Routine. That has been my life lately. But this weekend hasn't been and it's nice to not have the same schedule. I want spontaneity... stress... surprises. I so desperately want to go back to school.

Tomorrow, I have another lunch date with Becky and Adam... and this time, the red head is joining us. I forgot that Ian doesn't have school Monday and Tuesday. Must be parent-teacher conference time or something. :-P It will be nice to see my favorite 12 year old. What's scary is that this month, he turns 18 and becomes legal - no longer 12. Scary. I remember when he was that awkward 16 year old on his second day at Tinseltown. He's still awkward, but to me, it's Ian. :-)

Another break in the routine - I didn't get a chance to talk to Tom Muller. I almost always call him every weekend to kill two hours or more of his time and mine since we both lead less than exciting lives. Next phone call will start with this message: Your damn Yankees are going down!

I bought the Love Actually DVD. And it's as wonderful as the first time I saw it, the second time, the third time... and the music is as great as ever. There is just something about the movie... the love. Some parts are so wonderful, it makes your heart ache, and at the same time, some parts are so devastating, it makes your heart ache. I'm still waiting for that day where love shatters my heart, whether it be good or bad. Besides the love ache, everytime I watch this movie, I want it to be the Christmas season. I have to restrain myself from putting on Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Is You. That is one of the few songs that can always perk me up, no matter my mood. That is impressive.

Since last night, I can't stop listening to four key songs. Fiona Apple's I Know and Never Is A Promise, Des'ree's Kissing You, and Eva Cassidy's Songbird. They are all very somber songs, songs that I put on when I'm just in that mood. I'm not upset or sad or anything, even though you would think I was if you listened to these songs. It's just... these songs are so beautiful and make me feel high and depressed all at the same time. Never underestimate the power of music.

So classic series coming up... Red Sox vs. The Yankees. The fuckin' Yankees. Ugh. But I guess if the Red Sox won the World Series without beating the Yankees along the way, it just wouldn't feel nearly as accomplished. And all I can think is... WHY CAN'T I BE IN NEW ENGLAND! If the Sox were to win... there would be riots all over New England and I want to say I was there for it all. Although I think there would be riots if they lose like they did last year. Or at least a lot of suicide threats. Those Sox fans are maniacal, but you grow to love the unconditional and unhealthy love that they have for their team.

And as for the debate, I stayed up until 4:30am to watch the replay of it on one of the CNN channels. I'd have to stay that it goes to Kerry again, but not by much. Bush appeared strong to others, but to me, he seemed somewhat of an angry crazy chicken (in the literal sense), running around with his head almost chopped off and clucking into his little microphone. Then again... I am biased. :-) One of the funny blunders was when he said "internets" as if the internet were a plural thing. So funny. Ugh and the absentee ballot issue is such a problem in PA right now. They still haven't sent out the ballots yet because they are waiting for the courts to decide whether Ralph Nader will be on it or not. I would prefer him not, but as Patrick reminded me, it is a "democracy"... yada yada yada. Whatever, they just need to hurry it up and get them out. If people like me and Hanni get screwed out of a vote because of this, I am pretty sure Hanni would sue. :-P

'Tis the season of baseball and politics. What a great season it is. Just hope the underdogs get their chance at greatness.


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