Monday, February 14, 2005

shoving it to people

This past weekend was a pretty good one minus being crappily sick. Tom and I arrived in Boston and went shopping where I bought two small purses and a cute red wallet. I also got a small fake Coach ID holder thingy and lots of goodies in Chinatown. We went to dinner in the North End at Seraceno (sp?) and then got dessert at Mike's which was tooooooo good. I felt like I was back in Venice again, especially drinking the house merlot. I got to finally meet Kyle and Bethany. They were really funny and we kept trading Hanni stories and I would tell them what a bitch she was in high school. We also ran into this mega gay Emerson guy and his two friends from out of town. They asked where we all went and when I told them I went to WPI, one of the girls became struck with awe and just said "Oh wow!" as if I were some genius. It was awesome.

Later on, Kyle got retardedly drunk and started talking A LOT. And he kept asking Tom all these hard movie trivia questions that Tom actually knew and I think Kyle wanted to secretly do Tom right there and then whenever he answered something right. We watched SNL where one of the good skits was "Gays in Space" and Weekend Update with Seth and Fred acting like Charles and Camilla was HORRIFYING due to their awkward gayness. Kyle had the quote of the night with "But she didn't shove it to you!" Drunkity McDrunk Drunk!

Later on, I slept in Hanni's bed as Hanni and Kyle slept on the floor beside me. I am gonna kick Hanni's ass. :-) But I love her and I did leave my Nalgene and new purchases in her room, so I have to be nice if I want them back. She is coming to Worcester for the start of spring break and then we are heading to Tom's to spend the night and then spend the day at Mohegan Sun gambling like old ladies at the nickel slot machine. Hotness.

I just got My So-Called Life in the mail... and it is so amazing. I am only on episode 2 of 19. Do not worry, I will fix that soon enough. It's a nice break from Sex and the City, but really Sex and the City will always win.

Oh yeah Happy Valentine's Day. Or not. No Valentine. Surprise! NOT! It's OK. It's all overrated. Anyways, I will now give a list of things I look for in guys:
1. Witty and able to do banter
2. Knows how to give a hard time without over-doing it
3. Geeky/dorky but well rounded
4. Has to be into film and movies
5. Understands my sense of humor
6. Can handle me being really open about every day things ;-)
7. Likes math, even a little
8. Accepts my close friendships with other people who have strong personalities
9. Accepts my personal lifestyle choices and does not pressure me to change them
10. Likes women, especially me
11. Is open-minded (especially about gay stuff, religion (or the lack of it), race, etc)
12. Can handle big crazy Asian-ness and the madness of my family
13. Will let me keep my maiden name (come on, Vonda Bui sounds so damn good!)
14. Wants a family
15. Likes living in the New England or at least North Atlantic region
16. In general... just gets me!!
That isn't in some important order or anything, just listed. If you know of someone cool enough and fits the description and actually might LIKE me, holla! :-P I'm not desparate, but I admit I am getting a little bored of the single life. I am pretty good at leading it though, I guess.

The first day at Allmerica was alright. I was really close to being late. It looks like it's gonna be a nice size amount of work, but I look forward to it. The other intern who got hired was a WPI student as well. I hope she is a good intern and better than other partners I've had.

I've got to get cracking on MQP. And get some rest. I feel so icky and I am run down and I hate it. I can't miss anymore meetings. That is all for life now.


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