best day ever
Today has just been capped off by the hopefully the second best game ever, because tomorrow should be the best if God lets it. The Red Sox battle back, from 0-3, to force a game 7. Who knew? I wasn't sure if I believed, and I don't know if I believe now... but I have a hope. I will definitely be rooting and I'm sure I'll vomit either way and get tons of text messages from Hanni, who equally will be queazy. Who knew Hanni, the most girly girl I know and used to loathe sports in general, would become a sports fan? Anything's possible and I'm hoping game 7 tomorrow will prove that.
Going on to the best news ever: I am allowed to bear full weight on my right leg AND got the go ahead to go back to school. So this little cripple Asian is gonna be in Worcester this weekend, and start B term! I can't believe it. I almost cried due to pure surprise... I was setting myself up for the worst and instead got the best. I am so happy right now... floating on cloud 9.
Here are a few x-ray shots of my pelvis and the metal. The first is a birds eye view... the pretty view I like to call it:

And this one is the one that shows the screws really nailed into my acetabular AKA the joint of the pelvis:

Crazy huh? That metal will be there forever!
Only scary part of the day, my dad actually got into a tiny fender bender in the parking garage. Gave me a jolt. Luckily no damage and I didn't freak out, which means I think I'm OK to drive. The doctor said ok, let's just hope my nerves are cool with it. :-)
I have PT tomorrow at 8am. I am so excited to give them my new status. Seriously... best day ever!
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