jesus walks... into the world series!
Wow... wow... wow... I can't handle how good this week is. The Red Sox in the WORLD SERIES! Beating the Yankees from 3 down... first ever. Jesus AKA Johnny Damon totally came through. I can't believe it. I can't wait to go back to school and watch the turn out of the World Series. Fuck yeah Red Sox!
Jesus walks... into the world series and so am I!
That's right... you heard right! I am WALKING! I am down to one crutch and putting full weight on my leg. I might even graduate up to a cane soon. I will be the gimp pimp!
I can't believe how good I feel right now. Seriously. Day after day... more and more good things are happening to me. Karma is finally paying me back for the past three months. Happiness is something I could never grow tired of.
Do I sense a bitter Yankees fan?
I think so. :-P
Thanks for the Red Sox shirt though! :-D
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